Training Session

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On the third day of training, they started to call us out of lunch for our private sessions with the Gamemakers. They go by district, first the boy and then the girl. Marvel went first, and I wished him luck. I started to get a little nervous. I would probably fail this and get a two as my training score. At least I picked up some tips on knives and spears.

Around ten to fifteen minutes later, they called my name. I slowly walked into the gymnasium. I looked around the room and spotted the knife station, so I picked up a couple knives and threw them at the target. All three went in a triangle around the bulls-eye. It wasn't exactly on, but it was close enough for me. I went looking for some spears, but I spotted the archery station.

I knew I was taking a risk, but they would be really impressed if I could pull it off. I had to at least try. I picked up a bow and an arrow, and I held it like the trainer taught me. I took a breath and let the arrow fly. It didn't go as I planned. It went straight up at the ceiling and collided with the light. Sparks started to fly, and the light crashed down on top of the dummy.

I was expecting them to laugh, but instead, they started clapping. My mouth flew open in shock, but I shut it and looked like I completely meant to hit the light.

"You are dismissed," said one of the Gamemakers.

I walked towards the exit and went into the elevator. Maybe I could actually get a decent score. I sat down on the couch with Marvel for a while until dinner was served.

"So," said Cashmere as she joined us at the table, "how did you guys do?"

"Pretty good," said Marvel with a grin on his face.

"Decent," I said.

"Did you learn any skills while training?" asked Gloss.

"Kind of, but nothing that I'm really good at," I said while serving myself with a salad that had buttery pink dressing on it.

"Well, what did you show them in your session?" asked Cashmere.

"Some knives and... archery," I said, still not looking up at them.

"You did archery?!" asked Marvel with disbelief.

"I know. I made a mistake, but I think they were impressed with my epic fail," I said. They all stared at me with confused expressions, but I just started to stuff myself with the delicious dishes.

After dinner, we all went to the sitting room to watch them announce our scores. Marvel's picture flashed up first and showed a nine. Everyone patted him on the back and gave him high fives but got quiet when my picture flashed up. A huge eight flashed on the screen.

I got an eight! I couldn't believe my eyes. An eight was more than I could wish for. Even though it wasn't the best, at least it wasn't the worst. I stared at the screen with a huge grin on my face. Marvel hugged me and congratulated me, and everyone else patted my back. Cato and Clove both got a ten. I was really surprised. That they didn't get a twelve! They were both incredibly good with weapons, and if Marvel didn't win, I hoped that one of them did. Lavena and Rue both managed to get a seven. Peeta got an eight like me, and Katniss got an eleven. After the screen went black, we all still stared at it in shock. Katniss beat all of our scores, and she's from District Twelve! She should be one of our allies, but practically everyone admired her so much that they loathed her. I could just picture Cato swearing at the screen right now.

"Well, this is definitely an interesting year," said Cordelia.

"You got that right," said Felicity.

Marvel and I walked back to our rooms to go to bed. Once again, sleep never came to me. After about an hour of laying in bed, I silently got out of bed and slipped into Marvel's room. He looked at me as soon as the door opened. He obviously couldn't sleep either.

He opened his arms, and I didn't hesitate to crawl into them. For some reason, I could only peacefully sleep with him by my side. Soon, my eyelids closed and I was already in a deep sleep.


Sorry if I'm like rushing! I'm just really trying to get into the games because I have an awesome idea for it! Well that's all and I should update sometime before the weekend again so bye(:

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