Chapter 15

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 I let go of Marvel and slumped back into my sleeping bag. "I'm going to bed," I said. I knew I had to accept the fact that both of us couldn't win, but it was harder than I thought it would be. That's why I tried not to like Marvel, but here I am in love with him.

   "Night," he whispered in my ear. I fluffed my pillow up and got comfortable, but sleep never came. How could it when it's possible that someone could kill you in your sleep? After about an hour, I got up and walked around. Clove and Cato were supposed to keep watch, but it looked like it was only Cato now. Clove's head was on his lap, and she was covered with a blanket.

   "Hey," I whispered to Cato as I sat next to him.

   "Couldn't sleep?" he asked.

   "Who could?" I asked.

   "Everyone except for us it looks like," he said. I quietly laughed and put my head in my hands.

   "How could they just... fall asleep when someone could just kill them right here, right now?!" I said.

   "That's why we have people stay up and keep watch. But  I've seen careers turn on each other in previous games," he said.

   "That's what I'm afraid of," I said looking at the ground.

   "But who would do that? I wouldn't, and Clove wouldn't if I told her not to. I'm pretty sure Lover Boy wouldn't and Marvel... well you can just tell you guys are in love. Lavena would never do that," said Cato.

   "Is it that obvious? You know... that we like each other?" I said.

   "Heck yeah!" he said.

   "You and Clove are cute together," I said.

   "Thanks," he said. He brushed a piece of hair away from Clove's face so that he could see her eyes. "I really hope she wins."

   "What about you?" I asked.

   "I couldn't... live with myself if she wasn't with me," he breathed. Aw! That was adorable.. I never knew Cato was this... this! He never seemed like this type of person before. He was a different person when he was with Clove.

   "That's how Marvel and I feel," I finally said.

   "Well good luck... to the both of you," he said.

   "Thanks," I said. I glanced back over at Lavena and Marvel for a second to see if they were still of asleep. Of course, they were. "Well, I better at least try to get some sleep."

   "Okay, night," he said. I took a couple steps back to where my sleeping bag was when he said my name.

   "Glimmer?" said Cato.

   "Yeah?" I said.

   "Thanks... for talking to me. It's nice to have someone that knows how you feel," he said with a smile.

   "Yeah, sure. Anytime," I said. I headed back over and after a while, I fell asleep.


   I was awakened by someone poking my face. Lavena giggled when I opened my eyes, and it took me a while to realize that she was the one poking me.

   "Morning!" she said.

   "Why did you wake me up?!" I said, still half asleep.

   "Well, I had nothing else to do," she said. I let my face sink back into the pillow, but not long after, I got up because my hunger took over. I walked over to our supplies and grabbed a bottle of watter, a packet of crackers, and an apple. As I was finishing up my apple, Clove came over and sat down next to me.

   "I heard you," said Clove.

   "Huh?" I asked.

   "Last night. I heard you and Cato talking. I wasn't really sleeping, but thanks... about what you said," she said.

   "He really does love you," I said.

   "I know," she said with a smile, and then walked away. When I was done with breakfast, I looked around to see who was up, but I couldn't find Marvel, Peeta or Clove.

   "Hey Cato, where's Marvel and Peeta?" I asked.

   "Hunting," he said.

   "Hunting? But we have plenty of food," I said.

   "Hunting for people," he said. Oh, well now I felt like an idiot. We did have to kill people in these games after all...

   After a while, I started to get worried. I hadn't heard any cannons, and they were gone for about two hours. Cato started worrying about Clove, too, so Cato and I grabbed our weapons and started looking for them. I didn't really trust Aaron with Lavena, but there's not much I could do. She would eventually have to die if Marvel was going to win.

   Cato and I searched for a while, but we found nothing. We were about to give up when we heard screaming. Clove.

   "Clove! Clove, I'm coming!" yelled Cato. I ran after him through all the trees and bushes that he went through. When the screaming grew near, I got nervous. Where was Marvel!? Was he with them? I never heard a cannon, but the screaming could of overpowered it! The next thing I knew, I ran straight into someone and fell backwards on the ground.

   When I slammed on the ground, my back started burning. It felt like my skin was slowly melting off and a thousand needles were stabbing me! I jumped off the ground and was surprised when I saw myself surrounded by bubbling, boiling, orange liquid.

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