The Games

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I used the next sixty seconds we had to stay on our metal plates to take in my surroundings. The golden Cornucopia in front of me was filled with everything from food and water to weapons, clothes, and medicine. I saw a lake near my left, which would probably be our main source for water. To my left was the woods where many tributes would probably hide in. Cato was to the right of me and Blaine, the boy from 4, on my left. I spotted a silver bow and sheath of arrows near me.

"They're mine," I thought. There was only one in the Cornucopia, and even though they weren't my best weapon, I could still hit someone if they were extremely still and close! The next thing I knew, the gong rang out, and I was sprinting to the bow. I was one of the first to get there since I was pretty quick. On my way to the bow, I grabbed two backpacks and a couple of knives that I shoved into my belt. As I was about to grab the bow, I saw a knife flying at me. I dropped to the ground on my stomach, and it hit the tribute behind me. When I looked up to see who threw it, it was Clove.

"Sorry!" said Clove. I jumped over the dead tribute and grabbed the bow and flung the sheath of arrows around my shoulder. As I looked up, Blaine was coming straight at me with a sword. Why would he come after a career!? Considering he was only fourteen, it would be smart to team up with us instead of killing us. He swung the the sword at me, but I swiftly dodged it and picked up a nearby ax. When I turned back around, he grazed my leg with the sword, and it sent a searing pain up my leg. I fell backwards and waited for the final death blow, but it never came. The sound of a sword sinking into flesh made me look back at Blaine. His stomach had a sword through it, and he fell right next to me. Cato was revealed as he fell.

"Thanks," I breathed.

"No problem," he said while he retrieved his sword and the one that Blaine had. He held out his hand and lifted me off the ground. When I was up, I saw Marvel having trouble fighting off the girl from six. I lifted up my ax but decided I wouldn't throw it because with my luck, it would probably chop off Marvel's head. I grabbed a knife from my belt and sprinted over to her. When I was only a couple feet away, I threw it at her head. She yelped out in pain, but she was then silenced by death.

"Thanks," said Marvel. I just realized that I had killed my first tribute. Somewhere in Panem, a family was sobbing because I had ended the life of the person they loved. I couldn't even think about losing one of my friends, let alone family. The thought of Damien being killed made me immediately regret what I had done.

A good amount of tributes were already lying dead on the ground. I examined our pack as everyone gathered our supplies in a pile. Apparently, Thresh turned us down because he was no where in sight. I saw Peeta, though. He looked scared almost. Besides Peeta, it was our normal group. Me, Cato, Clove, and Marvel. I cleaned the blood off of my leg where Blaine had cut it, and then put a small bandage on it. It wasn't a very big cut, but I didn't want to risk an infection.

As I helped gather the supplies, I saw a pair of eyes staring at us in the woods. I quickly clutched my knife in my belt. It was an instinct. The boy raised his hands in the air so that he looked innocent.

Cato picked up his sword and ran over to him. The boy was about to run away when Cato tackled him to the ground. When Cato held up his sword, the boy let out a scream. "Please!" he pleaded. "Don't kill me! I can help!" he shouted.

"How?" asked Clove, holding her knife out. "Why shouldn't we just get rid of you now? One less tribute means closer to victory for us."

"I can help! Protect your supplies. I may not be very skilled with weapons, but I am smart. I learned how to make mines that I could bury in the ground around the supplies. If anyone would even try to set a foot on it, they would blow sky high," he said.

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