Who Said Americans Can't Be Wizards? [A Harry Potter Based Love/Adventure Story]

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---Still more sad part. =( I don't know if the sad part should be two kinda long chapters or one long chapter and two short ones... We'll find out by the end of this I guess. Thanks for reading you guys!---

Chapter Twenty-Two

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We all held our wands as we traveled down the empty hallways of the castle. Where was everyone? Once we got down to the Great Hall, it was evident where most people were. There were fights between Death Eaters and wizards all over the place on the first floor. It seemed that nobody had gotten to the other floors yet.

"Everyone just... Try not to die!" I screamed. It was really the only piece of advice I could give, and everyone seemed to accept that, because they all nodded and broke up to fight. I grabbed Ronnie's arm. "Help me guard the second and third floors."

She nodded and we quietly walked up the staircases that no longer were moving. 'Poor castle,' I thought.

We stood at each end of the hallway with a solemn silence.

Suddenly, Ronnie said,"Do you think the twins are okay?"

"They'd better be," I said. "Or I won't be able to live with myself." I saw her nod then turn back to the end of the hallway.

Suddenly there was a bang, some shouting, and then someone rounded the corner. They were dressed in a black cape, so I instinctively yelled,"Stupefy!" More came around towards me and so I kept firing off spells and called for Ronnie's help.

I suddenly felt a pain in my arm and looked down to see a knife shoved in it. It wasn't very deep, but it hurt like a bitch. I took it out with a scream and kept shooting spells. I knew I was losing blood, but I needed to keep fighting.

Everything started spinning, and I couldn't stand up, so I ducked into one of the hiding spots Red and George showed me and slowly lost conciousness, leaving Ronnie to fend for herself.

**Fred's POV**

I rounded the corner to see Ronnie fending off about fifteen Death Eaters. I was looking for Miri with George because when we returned from helping everyone get the students out of Hogwarts, everybody was gone from the tree house.

We both came up beside her and shot stunning spells until the Death Eaters retreated.

"Where's Miri?" I asked breathlessly.

"I-" Ronnie stopped short, looking around. "I don't know, she was just right beside me!" I heard moaning coming from somewhere and I started looking to see if anyone was hurt.

George and Ronnie were looking too, I guess, because George yelled,"Fred, over here!" I jogged back over to them to see Mrir sprawled out on the floor in a hiding spot that George and I showed her. She had a huge blood stain on her left shirt sleeve and blood was gushing out of a cut wound amd running down her arm. She was making involuntary moaning sounds, which in turn tore my heart to pieces. Cheesy, I know, but I didn't care at the moment.

I dragged her gently out and put her beautiful face in my lap. "R-ronnie..." I stuttered. I could feel the tears coming. She looked so peaceful, as if she didn't know that some son of a bitch just stabbed.

"Yeah?" Her voice wavered, as if she was trying not to cry too.

"Can you fix this?" I gently held up Miri's left arm and showed her the wound.

She flinched and said,"I don't know... I'll try." She took out her wand and muttered some incantations and soon the wound was being stitched.

Miri moaned louder and started to squirm. Her face was contorted with pain, and so I held her body (minus her left arm) close and tried not to let my tears fall. Ronnie cleaned up the blood with another spell and soon Miri stopped squirming.

"Beautiful, you need to wake up... Please..." I whispered in her ear, shaking her a little. She just kept mumbling inaudible words as I let my bottled up tears fall.

**Miri's POV**

I felt myself being dragged across the floor and I heard someone say something. Then my arm started burning and I tried to scream but it came out as some stupid little moans, so I wriggled around but felt something restrain me.

I felt the warmth of fresh blood on my arm go away so I relaxed a little.

"Beautiful..." I heard my husband's voice say. "You need to wake up, please..." He shook me, and believe me, I wanted to jump up and tell him I was okay, but I couldn't. I really wanted to, but I couldn't freaking move!

I felt his tears hit my face and my heart broke into a million pieces. Move, hands, move! God dammit, just MOVE!

It took all of the strength I could muster, but my eyes flitted open and I raised my hand to touch his dirty and freckled cheek.

I heard Ronnie gasp and then choke on her tears. Fred gaped at me for a minute before hugging me close. I let my arms fall down and my eyes close. I was already physically drained, and I hadn't even said anything yet.

"Are you okay lovely?" he asked worriedly, releasing me from his warm grip. I nodded weakly.

"I'm just... drained..." I whispered faintly.

"That's okay, lovely. I'll protect you." He smiled. I tried to smile, but I think it game out as a grimace.

"Thanks..." And then I blacked out again.

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I woke up again in the heat of a battle. I was in a dark space behind a green curtain. My wand was right next to me. I picked it up and grabbed onto a rock sticking out of the wall with my left arm for support as I stood up. I winced as pain shot through my arm. Then I remembered the stab wound and I shook it off.

I stepped out from behind the curtain and started stupefying Death Eaters left and right. I saw that Ginny, Hermione, Ron, Fred, Veronica, and George were fighting also.

I kept on firing out spells and soon we were all backed up against the wall with ten Death Eaters left. Ron and Hermione stupefied one each, as did Ginny, Fred, Ronnie, and George. I was up against two, and they both looked ready to kill me.

I knew what I had to do.

I aimed my wand at one, shouted stupefy at one, then turned and ran towards one of the tall floor to ceiling windows, dodging a killing curse or two form the Death Eater that was chasing me. He was kind of far behind me, so I turned around quickly to face my friends. I screamed,"I LOVE YOU FRED WEASLEY!" before turning and jumping from the second story window, tears streaming down my face as I did so.

I hoped and prayed that this would work as I was falling.

"ACCIO BROOM!" I screamed.

Nothing came.

--- =O... ---

Who Said Americans Can't Be Wizards? [A Harry Potter Based Love/Adventure Story]Where stories live. Discover now