Who Said Americans Can't Be Wizards? [A Harry Potter Based Love/Adventure Story]

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---OMG, nine! Almost in the double digits here!! I've got it all planned out. So keep on reading!---

Chapter Nine

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"I d-don't know," I answered just as shakily. I grabbed onto Fred (or maybe George...) for support, who was shaking but not saying anything.

Everything was just dark, like there was nothing light could do to get through. It was like a blanket of thick felt had been placed I've everything. I felt really cold and started to shiver, so Fred (or George, I still wasn't sure) put his arm around me and held me close. God, was he awesome!

I jumped as George's voice sounded close to me. "Lumos," he said, the tip of his wand lighting up. It was really faint though, which meant something was wrong. I then realized that George was the one holding me and not Fred, but he didn't seem to notice. I just backed up until I was holding Fred's hand. He smiled down at me before giving me a reassuring kiss on the lips.

"Really?" I whispered as Ronnie took George's hand and began to explore a little. I got out my wand and said,"Lumos," before he could reply and started following them. It was so dark, I could barely see George and Ronnie, who were only 5 feet in front of us. By the light of my wand, I also noticed that my hair was... Green? No, it couldn't be, That was just a trick of the light. Right?

"Hey, um, Fred," I whispered, walking forward still.

 "Yes, Love?" he answered. Since when did he call me love? Eh, whatever, it was cute.

"Does my hair look green to you?" I asked, He picked up my hair and examined it before saying, "Yes, but last time I checked, your hair was deep brown."

 "Yeah, I know.

 Just then, the lights slowly turned on, and the darkness was gone, allowing me to confirm my suspicions: my hair was green.

 "N-nox," I said, putting out my wand light and staring at my now green and straight hair.

 "Woah, Miri, your hair is... green," Ronnie said, pointing out the obvious. Just then, Professor Dumbledoor walked over to us, noticed my green hair, and said,"Miss Gennings, if you would please join me in my office. Mr. Weasley, you can come if you wish."

 "O-okay, I said wearily. My hair was now slowly fading into yellow. Yellow?! What the heck is going on?!

 Fred took my hand and smiled reassuringly, but I noticed that he was trying to stifle a laugh. I refrained from glaring at him because I was waaaaaay too freaked out. Now my hair was turning orange! What. The. HELL! I also noticed my fingernails were changing color: Red, green, purple, black, silver, blue...

"F-Fred, what's wrong with me?" I asked. Psh, like he knew the answer!

"Nothing, Love. Purple- Wait, no now blue hair looks stunning on you." I blushed scarlet, and by the look of it and by Fred telling me, so did my fingernails, my hair, and my eyes.

When we finally got to Dumbledoor's office, he got straight to the point, I guess, because he said,"Miss Gennings, you are a metamorphmagus."

"A metamorphma-what?" I said, my hair, nails, and probably eyes too turning white.

"A metamorphmagus," Fred said, staring at me like I was something really cool.

"And that would be...?" I inquired.

"They can change their appearance at will. Has this ever happened before now?" Dumbledoor explained then asked.

"Umm, no, I don't think so. But I remember that when I was little, my hair used to be curly and wavy and blondish red, but then one day I saw a girl in a magazine with curly deep brown hair, and I really wanted it to be like that, so one day it just... Changed," I explained, realizing now what happened. "But why did my hair change color now?" I continued.

Who Said Americans Can't Be Wizards? [A Harry Potter Based Love/Adventure Story]Where stories live. Discover now