Who Said Americans Can't Be Wizards? [A Harry Potter Based Love/Adventure Story]

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---This story might end soon. =( I know! But don't worry, I'm going to start another one, but it's not going to be Harry Potter based and shiz like that. Just warning you. I'm not telling you when it might end, just that it MAY or MAY NOT end soon. Thanks for reading!---

Chapter Fourteen

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---3 DAYS LATER---

"Miri, hurry your ass up, I don't wanna miss the train!" Ronnie screamed.

"Okay, okay. Chill out!" I was frantically shoving things in my trunk, not really caring what went with me to the Burrow and what didn't. I had woken up late and didn't have time to pack, so Ronnie had to smack me to wake me up, and that's not really how you would idealy want to start the day.

"Hurry!" she repeated, walking out of the bathroom and crossing her arms.

"You could help instead of just standing there and screaming at me!" I yelled back at her.

"I'm not helping you, this was your own wrong doing," she said, smirking.

"Whatever, I'm done anyway," I grumbled, taking Pika (who was in her cage) and my trunk and lugging them down the girls dormitory stairs.

"Finally!" Fred said, getting up and taking my trunk.

"Fred, don't do that. I've got it," I said, smiling incredulously as Fred picked it up with ease. That thing was heavy! Partly because I just threw random stuff in it, partly because he had a beater's body (from the Quidditch team), and partly because I wasn't that strong so it was heavy to me.

"Don't even try," Ronnie said, staring pointedly at George, who had her trunk.

"Fine. But if you hurt yourself, the blame is on me," I said.

"That's okay," Fred said, smiling.

I just rolled my eyes and shushed Pika, who was hooting excitedly.

"Hey, where's your luggage?" I asked suspiciously.

"We put it on the train first thing in the morning then went back to sleep," George explained.

"Oh. Did you get caught?" I said, suddenly interested.

"Yeah, this story sounds interesting, but we seriously have to leave now. The train leaves in 7 minutes!" Ronnie shouted, exasperated, cutting off George who was about to say something.

We all got ourselves situated then left through the portrait hole and ran as fast as we could without getting caught.

We made it to the Hogwarts Express just in time. The conductor was calling out for the last passengers as the four of us scrambled into an empty compartment and put our luggage away. Sure enough, the twin's luggage was already in the compartment. We all sat down, me and Ronnie across from the Weasley twins, laughing.

"I love how we always find some excuse to laugh at nothing," I observed, smiling.

"Yeah. Otherwise, we'd all be grumpy old gits," George added.

I excused myself soon after our little laughing fit to go change out of my robes. I put on a pair of white skinny jeans, a Wierd Sisters band tee (I bought it in my 6th year at a concert), and my signature black converse and sparkly butterfly pin. I put an orange streak in my hair and made my nails orange because I was feeling happy.

I walked back to the compartment and sat down next to Ronnie again.

Ronnie was about to say something when Angelina Johnson busted through the compartment door. She slowly looked around at all of us with a slightly menacing glare but then smiled. (Let me just say that it was the fakest smile I've ever seen.) She took a seat next to Fred, who was rigid and pale-faced.

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