Who Said Americans Can't Be Wizards? [A Harry Potter Based Love/Adventure Story]

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---Sad part: Commence. =\ sorry guys. You know my one-shot contest is still on? Wow, OMG, really? Yes, really. -.- You guys are mean, you don't give me any one shots!!! Anyway, I know Fred dies in the last book (I KNOOOOOOW. WAHHH!!! DX), but you guys might not expect what's coming. Thanks for reading, love you guys!---

Chapter Twenty-One

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"Ooh, how about this?" Ronnie said, holding up a size 8 black top, which was a two sizes bigger than my normal size. It was far from low cut; the neck line had to reach at least the collar bone, but the back was completely open except for some ribbon laced through it.

"It's quite... impressive," I said, stifling a laugh.

"Quite." Ronnie adjusted her glasses and looked at the price tag.

"$55.96?! That's insane!" she shrieked, causing one of the sales ladies to glare at us. We smiled back cheekily and she just rolled her eyes.

"But anyway, that's outrageous!" Ronnie continued, whisper-shouting.

I nodded and glanced around the store until I found a clock.

"Holy shit, it's 5:30! I need to get home!" I quickly ran out of the store, Ronnie running after me.

"Do you have everything we bough?" Ronnie questioned.

"Yes, I have the three tops, four pairs of jeans, a pair of new Vans, and the preggers test." Some people glanced at me weird but I just brushed it off.

"Good girl. Anyways, I had fun today! We gotta do this again!"

"Yeah! Talk to you later, Ronnie!"


I smiled at her before apparating back to my house. I placed my bags down near the grey couch and walked past it into the kitchen.

"Freddie, I'm home!" I waited for a few seconds, only to have silence be my reply. "Ha ha you think you're funny..." I muttered, walking down the hallway into our bedroom.

I braced myself for Fred's ambush, but nothing came. I looked around a little confused. I even looked in the closet: No Fred.

"Babe!" I called. No answer. I frowned, thinking. Then it came to me: he was probably still out doing whatever guys do with George!

I dialed Ronnie's number again. George answered.

"Hello?" he said, a little confused.

"Hey, it's Miri."

"Oh hey! Is there a problem, miss?" he asked. I could practically see the smirk on his face.

"Yeah. Well, not really, it's just..." I sighed. "Is Fred over at your place? Because I know you and him hung out today, and-"

"No he's not here." That made my heart sink.

"Oh..." I sighed again. "Do you know where he might be?"

"No, but he apparated back to your house." I could hear the phone being shaken or something.

"Is everything okay, Miri?" Ronnie said.

"Yeah, I guess. I think I'll just wait for him. He might have stopped somewhere."

"Yeah, girl, why are you flipping out?"

I opened my mouth and then closed it. Why was I flipping out?

I laughed a little and said,"I don't know, actually. I'll just wait for him."

Who Said Americans Can't Be Wizards? [A Harry Potter Based Love/Adventure Story]Where stories live. Discover now