Who Said Americans Can't Be Wizards? [A Harry Potter Based Love/Adventure Story]

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---EIGHT!!! WHAT WHAT!!! Okay, now that I've gotten far enough in the story that I'm convinced that there's no turning back, I'll now be accepting ideas (if you've got any) and more feedback. PLEASE. I need to know how I can make my story better! Also, if you wanna check out my Quizilla account (same username, same story), you can make me a banner if you so choose. =P Anyway, chapter eight!!!---

Chapter Eight

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I was one corridor away from reaching the Fat Lady when I was stopped by someone. "Hello, Miri," said a silky smooth voice. I recognized it, but I couldn't place a name. I looked up into grey eyes and then knew what it was.

Draco Malfoy, the boy who almost ruined my relationship with Fred.

I gave him a dirty look and said,"Get out of my way, Draco. I need to see my friend." When he didn't move, I tried to push past him, but he wouldn't budge.

"No," he said simply.

"Please. Move. NOW." I was getting really angry; why the heck wouldn't he just move?


Oh, that's it! I pulled out my wand for the first time as a threat and aimed it at his face. "Gimmie one good reason why I shouldn't make you move," I said menacingly. I knew that wasn't necessary, but I really hated this kid right now!

"Because... I like you?" he tried.

"Pfft. Yeah right." What the heck was this guy thinking? Did he want to die? 'Cause I was probably gonna kill him if he didn't shut up and move.

"Miri?" I heard Ronnie's voice call distantly. I looked behind Draco to see Ronnie standing there, her eyes bloodshot and her cheeks rosy and tear stained.

"Ronnie! Are you okay?" I asked, walking past Draco, who just scoffed and stalked off. Ha-ha-ha-ha-HA to you, Draco! I hugged her and she smiled.

"Yeah, I think I'm okay with him not accepting me," she said with a half-hearted smile. "I mean, I realy don't get it." She then went on to say how she probably wasn't pretty enough, which was untrue because although Ronnie wore glasses she had really pretty eyes (which is what all the boys said anyway) and she had long brown hair that I was jealous of because it was lighter than my deep brown locks. And she said she wasn't pretty!

"Ronnie, you're very pretty. I'm actually jealous, but-"

And THEN she started rambling about how she wasn't smart enough. That was also a lie; although she didn't get perfect A's in every subject, she still got some A's and B's, which was just as good considering she tried her hardest.

"No, it's not that. He just told me he actually-"

AND THEN she started to say how George wasn't right for her, that she wasn't good enough.

Why and how did this girl see so many flaws? I hated to see my best friend hate on herself.


She just stared at me for a moment before feebly whispering,"R-really?"

"Yes! He just told me!"

"Really?" she squeaked.

"Yeah, really," someone answered. And it wasn't me, I might add. We both whirled around to see George leaning casually against the Fat Lady. Ronnie gasped and immediately tried to clean herself up, wiping her cheeks and her eyes and cleaning her glasses. George just laughed as she tried to make herself look better.

"I'm kinda hungry, I'm gonna go get some food from the Great Hall. See you, Ronnie," I said, giving her a knowing smile which she returned.

As I walked down the hallway back toward the Great Hall, I was stopped by Fred, who grabbed my hand and started walking with me. "Thanks," he said.

"For what?" I asked.

"For helping George out. All that git talks about is Veronica," he replied, laughing.

"I can't see why he wouldn't. She's actually really pretty, but... Well, can I tell you a secret?"


"Ronnie has low self-esteem. Well, that's what it seems like. Before I told her that George loved her, she was rambling about how she wasn't pretty, or smart, or good enough. And, now that I think about it, she's always been hating on herself. I can't understand why she's so self concious, though. She's a really nice and awesome person!" By the time I finished, I was out of breath. Fred just stared at me, probably thinking of how we could fix this.

"We should talk to her. Like an intervention thing, you know?" he finally said.

"Yeah. That's a good idea." I gave his hand a squeeze and smiled up at him.

I hoped that Fred's idea would work.

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The day after that incident, I was really excited. That night was the Halloween Ball thing, and the teachers and headmaster agreed that we could wear whatever we wanted to, and that we didn't have to wear our robes.

Thank GOD.

So that night, I put on a pair of shorts and a purple tank top that said "BOO! ...Did I scare you?" and my All-Stars (Converse if you didn't know what All-Stars are). I knew that, once again, I would be all out of place because most of the girls would be wearing proper clothes and stuff, but I really didn't care.

I am me, so DEAL WITH IT.

As I walked down to the great hall, Fred mysteriously appeared beside me as usual and quickly spun me around. I giggled and was surprised that nobody was staring.

"You look pretty," Fred said, blushing a little.

"Thank you," I replied, blushing a little too.

"Gag," George's voice sounded from somwhere behind us.

"Shut up," I said jokingly, smiling.

"Again, not my fault you two are gross."

"They're not gross, I think it's cute," Ronnie said, waving hi to me. I waved back and noticed we were wearing the same shirt.

"Hey, we match!" I squealed excitedly.

"I know! I just knew you would wear the shirt, so I wore it to," she said, laughing.

Fred and George looked at each other and sighed before saying,"Girls," at the same time. When we gave them not-so-serious dirty looks, we all laughed and walked into the Great Hall, where the Halloween Ball thing (that's what I'm calling it from now on) was already in full swing. Some people were dancing to The Weird Sisters (a wizard world band that I found very good), some were eating, and some were chatting.

After grabbing a few cookies with frosting in the shape of jack-o-lanterns and bats, and after dancing for a while with Ronnie, Fred, and George, we were all tired and were pretty much the only people left in there.

But just as we were about to leave, everything suddenly went dark; so dark, in fact, that we couldn't even see our hands in front of our faces.

"W-what's going on?" Ronnie said, a tremor in her voice.

---Woah, creepy. Anyway, Ronnie and George are together! (No offense to RachelFrey =P You can share.) AND WHY WERE THE LIGHTS OUT? I don't know, dementors, maybe? Or something else? Hmmm....---

Who Said Americans Can't Be Wizards? [A Harry Potter Based Love/Adventure Story]Where stories live. Discover now