Who Said Americans Can't Be Wizards? [A Harry Potter Based Love/Adventure Story]

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---SORRY!!! I just wasn't having enough fun writing the other one, so I'm starting this one, and I SWEAR TWICE OVER TO GOD that I will continue this one! PINKIE SWEAR, ANKLE SWEAR, CROSS MY HEART AND HOPE TO DIE, NO CROSSIES! LOL, anyway, I decided to do a Harry Potter based story because I'm a book worm, and Harry Potter is THE BEST! (mostly all of the places and some of the names featured in this story are property of J.K. Rowling, and I do not intent to steal any ideas from her and use them as my own.) <--- Just had to put that in 'cause you never know... And if you think this is a love story about Harry Potter, then go be somewhere else, because it's not, but it does feature Harry and is friends and such. THANKS YA!---

Chapter One

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Hi. I'm Miriella Lee Gennings, but you can call me Miri. Everyone else does. Anyway, have you ever heard of witches and wizards? You know, magic and stuff? Well, would you believe me if I told you I was a witch? Not like a mean witch, but a magical spell-casting witch?

Probably not. Not without proof, anyway.

So here you are, sitting at your computer, reading this eBook, while I'm probably in my 3rd year at Hogwarts. But it could be later than that and I could already be an official wizard.

Who knows.

Anyway, Hogwarts is actually a school somewhere in London, England (I'm not good at geography, nor am I from England) and it's full name is Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. I only got sent there because I was one of the few Americans to have magic running through my blood. Don't ask me how, because my parents sure as heck aren't wizards, and I'm pretty sure Nana and Poe (my grandmother and grandfather) aren't wizards, either.

But, again, who knows.

So, anyway, back to the beginning of my adventure.

I was a nervous wreck when I got my Hogwarts acceptance letter. I thought that I would be stuck in the lame public school in Narragansett, Rhode Island forever. I had only heard about Hogwarts, and to actually be going there was awesome! I was 10, almost 11, when I got my letter. I would be turning 11 a day before the first semester started, so I guess they figured,"Hey, what the heck, let's let her in."

I didn't even know how I was gonna get the supplies I needed, because I was positive there weren't any of the stores listed in the letter in the USA.

I guess I'm lucky my grandparents are rich, because they paid for three plane tickets to London-one for me, my mom, and my dad. My baby sister, Elizabeth (or Liza, as we call her) was staying with Nana and Poe for the week.

I was totally psyched about going to Hogwarts.

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As we entered London, I looked out for a bar called the Leaky Cauldron. They said in the letter that this is where the Wizarding World was.

After searching for two hours, my parents and I were exhausted. We sat down in front of what looked like a night club/bar.

"I'm sorry we couldn't find it sweety," my mom said gently.

"It's okay," I said, a tear racing down my left cheek.

"Don't be sad, kiddo. We've still got 6 more days to look," my dad said. He was always optimistic. I smiled up at him and he ruffled my hair, making me flinch and duck away.

"Dad..." I grumbled.

After another 5 minutes of sitting and drinking some waters we had packed, I decided to get up and stretch my legs. I looked at the bar sign and read: Leaky Cauldron. Now, why was that so familiar.

Who Said Americans Can't Be Wizards? [A Harry Potter Based Love/Adventure Story]Where stories live. Discover now