Who Said Americans Can't Be Wizards? [A Harry Potter Based Love/Adventure Story]

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---I forgot to say this in my previous chapter yesterday: Happy 4th, even though its the 5th now. I'm also in desparate need of some one shots, so get 'em to me! LOL Anyway, enjoy!!---

Chapter Thirteen

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"Oof!" I said as I failed to catch my Remembrall and it hit me in the stomach. I was laying on my bed, my feet up near the pillows and my head down near the end, next to Ronnie, who was laying next to me except her feet were by my head. The events of yesterday's Hogsmead trip were replaying in my head. I had wrapped up Fred's present, along with everyone else's, after everyone went to sleep and put them in my trunk. We had also found out yesterday that Veronica was coming with us to the Burrow! I know, I was totally psyched.

Anyway, I was throwing my Remebrall up in the air and catching it as Ronnie was reading. I was SO BORED.

"Hey Ronnie?" I said in a little girl voice.

"Hmm?" she said in a little girl voice back, looking up from her book and pushing her glasses a little further up the bridge of her nose.

"How are you and George still together?" I asked, my voice normal.

"I don't know. We both just really love each other," she said, smiling.

"Do you think he's gonna.... Ask you to marry him?" I said, nudging her shoulder with my foot.

"I don't know. But if he does, I'll totally say yes," she said, her face lighting up.

"Hey, ladies!" George's voice sounded.

"Yes, Georgie?" Ronnie said.

"Will you and Miri come down please Ronnie? I would come get you, but every time I try to go up there, the stairs turn into a slide."

"That's because they're enchanted," I said, bounding down the stairs with Ronnie behind me. "Have you ever read Hogwarts, A History?"

"No," the twins said at the same time.

"I don't think we've read 5 books between us," Fred said.

"What about the ones for your classes?" I asked, raising an eyebrow.

"We read some, but we mostly pretend and copy off of Ronnie, you, or some other 7th year." George smirked at me and I rolled my eyes.

"At least you guys try and do your homework," I said. "Anyway, why did you need us?"

"Well, it's about noon, so would you join us for lunch?" Fred said.

"Of course," I said with a smile. We all then trooped through the portrait hole and were on our way to the Great Hall.

Fred was just about to put his arm around my shoulders when Ronnie said,"Hey Fred, why don't you go walk with George. I have to talk to Miss Gennings here." Fred looked a little disappointed for a second but then grinned and walked over to George.

"Did you see the dissapointed look he gave when I told him to leave?" Ronnie whispered excitedly once the twins were out of earshot.

"Yeah. So?" I said, staring straight ahead.

"So... He didn't want to be away from you. He likes you!" Ronnie said a little desperately.

"No he doesn't! And if he did, I wouldn't understand why. I mean, what about me is so special? I'm not really, like, extraordinarily pretty. And yeah, I'm nice and stuff, but I'm not that outgoing liek Fred is, so I don't know where he's coming from if he likes me."

Who Said Americans Can't Be Wizards? [A Harry Potter Based Love/Adventure Story]Where stories live. Discover now