Chapter 4

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I looked down at his now limp body, "Well... I'll have to teach him not to trust strangers..." A small grin was etched into my face as I grabbed his body and threw it onto my shoulder.

"Now my little gumdrop let's leave this horrid place." My large hands felt around my mates body, I would love to say I was just looking for keys but honestly it was for my own pleasure.

My hands patted his bottom a few times when my fingers met with something hard in his pocket my eyebrows rose slightly.


I reached into his jean pocket with a large smirk on my face and felt around for the keys.

"Let's go my lovely mate."

My feet smacked against the cold stone ground as I made my hasty retreat to the entrance of this cold and dark place.


Ignore it.

"Come one, Pst."

Ignore it.

"I'll scream."


"What? I don't have time for this, people don't stay knocked out forever you know." The wicked scowl never left my face as I turned blindly to the voice that escaped from the cell a few cells down from mine.

"Let me out... I'll do anything!" I looked at him with a frown as he spoke again, "I have a loving mate! Please."

I cocked a brow. Before chuckling at his pleas, "No thank you."

And with that I left, the mans shouts and hollers going unnoticed... For now.


My hands fumble with the door as I swing it open, that guard on the other side received a door to the face and most likely a painful head ache.

I stepped through the door with a small chuckle as the guard fell to the ground seemingly lifeless.

I hadn't hit him that hard.

With a shrug I turned from the unconscious man and began my stealthy retreat.

My little gumdrop and I have a little catching up to do once I get his cute little bottom through the woods and into my bed.

I couldn't help but grin as I made my way through the house with my mate lazily thrown over my shoulder, "just a little more and we'll be free my precious little gumdrop."

Aha the door! Finally! It felt like I had spent an eternity trying to find this damn door.

"S-stop there! Drop my friend or...or... I'll scream–Yeah!– I'll scream so loud that the whole pack will hear me!"

Oh great.

I turned around and cocked my hip, "Are you making threats, kid?"

The kid looked less than pleased at my words, his body shook. Maybe he's cold...

"I swear if you hurt a hair on his body I'm gonna-"

"Darc? Babe, where'd you go?" I grinned at the voice coming our way.

"Bye now!" Was all I said as I raced out the door, my mates slim body thrown over my shoulder.

Well today was good.


"When do you think he'll wake up?" Who is that?

"Dunno... Soon, maybe? Not sure." I knew that voice...

"How'd he get knocked out again?" The man seemed genuinely concerned for me, "He's been out cold for a while..."

"He must've slipped... Yeah, he slipped." The mock innocence of Marcelo's devilish voice.


And that was the end of the discussion, Marcelo excused himself then left shortly after it wasn't until a loud sigh that I opened my eyes.

"Knew it."

I looked up and I couldn't believe my eyes.

It was a mini Marcelo.

"Hey there I'm Micha," the boy had the same features only they seemed more gentle than Marcelo's harsh features.

"I'm Leo..." My voice sounded strained as I sat up, "Are you gonna eat me?"

Micha cocked an eyebrow, "Did  that idiot really start off his relationship with you by telling you he ate people and not in the good way, what a fudging idiot!"

I jumped slight back as he raised his voice, the dull throbbing in my head prevented me from going anywhere.


"Oh shi-oot." He gasped and began to pet my head, "You'll be okay."

I sniffled slightly and looked around the darkened hospital room, then to the old looking door.

"I hope you're right."

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