Chapter 16

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~Ash's POV~

No, not this again. First, I was left alone with her for an entire day. Now, I was going to share a room with her. This was not how I wanted to spend my week in Kanto. Well, not that I hated the idea of being with her in the same room, but still. I knew it was going to get really awkward. There was no way I would be able to share a room with the opposite gender. Even worse, my crush. What if there was only one bed? What would happen then? Or what if...

"Yo, Ashy-boy?" Gary waved his hand in front of my face. "Are you even listening?"

My thoughts quickly left my head at the sound of his voice. Everyone was looking at me, awaiting for the answer to the question they have supposedly asked me. "Oh, um, sorry. I-I guess I kind of spaced out, haha..." I stammered.

"Uh yeah, we were calling you like 100 times."

"Okay Gary, you don't need to over exaggerate things." I rolled my eyes. "Anyways, what did you ask me?"

"If you were okay with rooming with Serena. You are fine with it, right?" Clemont asked.

Gary looked away and snickered. I scowled at him in return. He knew that even though I was not okay with it, I didn't have much of a choice but to stay with Serena anyways. I swear, he probably planned this with Miette from the start.

"Uh..." Clemont shrugged, giving up on me because I wouldn't answer. "How about you, Serena?"

"Huh? W-well, I was planning on being with Misty but..." As I continued to give Gary a death glare, I caught her looking at me from the corner of my eye before finishing her sentence. "I-I don't know. I guess it would be-"

"Well, everyone already has a room, so you two have no choice anyways." Miette butted in, cutting Serena off as Gary nodded in agreement.

I saw that coming from the start, I already knew I was going to end up staying with her. But I was having a hard time understanding what I really felt. I wanted Serena to convince them it would be best for her to move to another room, but then at the same time, I didn't want her to. I wanted her to stay, and share the same room with me. These were the two things that confused me. I don't know how I really feel.

Also, it concerned me that she showed like, no emotion when we were told that we would be rooming together. I was freaking out and turned the colour of a tomato, while she showed nothing whatsoever. She didn't act surprised, and there wasn't even a tint of blush on her cheeks.

It kind of upset me, because that was a sign she did not have the same feelings I do towards her. But she did just get out of a relationship, so I guess it would make sense for her not to like me in that way.

"No, I don't approve!" Misty yelled.

Well, I knew where this was going. The first thing that would come out of her mouth would always be the same thing.

"I will not allow Serena alone with this pervert!"

Knew it.

"I-I'll be fine Misty." Serena reassured. "Ash really isn't a perv, and you know that."

"And I'm pretty sure I've made it clear I wasn't one on my first day here." I mumbled to myself.

Miette had a terrified look on her face, like I just killed someone. "W-wait, you're a pervert?!"

"Look what you did, Misty!" I raged. "Now she thinks I'm a pervert, when I'm really not!"

"Well, that's because you are one!" She yelled back.

Clemont began to panick, and tried to stop us with little to no avail. "G-guys! P-please stop! You won't get anywhere with fighting!"

He was completely ignored as Misty and I continued to shout at eachother.

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