Chapter 8

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Pokemon XY & Z hype! ^^

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~Ash's POV~

I walked back and fourth across the living room. Paul watched me as he ate a pack of chips he found in the kitchen while Gary finally calmed down about his phone. I rubbed my chin as I walked.

Who was this guy? Why should I be concerned about him? Should I be scared of him? How important was Serena to this guy? And again, who the hell was this mystery guy?!

"Yo, Ash. Walking aimlessly around the room isn't going to help, you know." Paul said.

"Do you guys have any idea who this guy might be?" I asked, eager to know.

Gary shrugged. "I don't know. Like Paul said, it could just be her dad. Dads tend to get pretty overprotective towards their daughters, so it would make sense if it were to be her dad."

I sighed. "I guess so. The dad would be the most likely person he'd be."

But still, I wasn't a hundred percent sure about the entire dad thing. I should talk to Serena once she got back just to make sure.

"Anyways, Gary and I should get going. The other guys must be waiting for us." Paul said as he got up from his seat.

"Aw come on! I want to stay here longer!" Gary pouted.

"Nope, Paul is right. I think you should go." I said as I pushed Gary and Paul out the door. "Nice having you guys, bye!" I closed the door shut.

Thank arceus those two were gone. I have had enough Gary and Paul for one day. I looked at the time. Looked like Serena wasn't going to be home until later on. I guess I should just go out for a walk to clear my mind.

"Hey Pikachu. I'm going out for awhile. You want to come, or just stay here with the girls?"

Pikachu shaked his head. "Pi, pikachu. Pika." He then jumped onto my shoulder.

"Ah, alright then."

It seemed Pikachu liked Serena the most out of all the girls, and he said he'd only stay if she were to be here.

I stepped outside. The sun was shining brightly. The weather felt amazing, way better than yesterday. Rain was just not my thing.

I strolled through Lumiose City, minding my own business. As I walked past a few people, I noticed them looking at me weirdly, like there was something I did. Maybe there was something on my face? I looked away and ignored them. Didn't these people know it wasn't polite to stare?

I finally got at a good enough distance away for them not to see me anymore. Thank arceus, they were really starting to annoy me. I was nearing the grocery store. I had nothing better to do, so I guess I'd go inside and buy a chocolate bar or something.

Before I was able to get into the store, a few other people, specifically two girls were staring at me again, just like last time. What the hell, what were these peoples problems?

"Is that him?" The girl said to her friend.

"I think so, it looks just like him." The other girl replied.

Not being able to stand this anymore, I decided to speak up. "If you have something to say, say it to my face!"

"Pika pika!" Pikachu growled, defending me.

They made their ways to me. One of them examined me. "Are you Serena Yvonne's boyfriend?"

That was when I realized it. No wonder everyone was looking at me, it was the damn article. The article must've spread like crazy and everyone had already read it. Well, looked like it caused people to recognize me.

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