Chapter 18

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~Ash's POV~

Of course there had to be one bed. Of course this had to happen on this trip. Out of all times, it had to be this one.

If there was only one bed, then that meant... Oh no.

Serena looked up at me, only to see my reddened face. "A-ash..?"

"There's only one bed..." I muttered.

She looked away, cheeks noticeably turning pink. "Y-yeah."

"What do we do..."

"Um, why don't we go and have dinner first?" Serena said, trying to change the subject. "We can worry about this later."

"S-sure..." I slowly nodded, still beat red at the sight in front of me.

She left the room as I followed her close behind. As we entered the hallway, Gary was just leaving his room as well.

"Yo!" He waved. "Done checking out your place?"

"Yeah!" Serena replied.

"Let's head down to dinner then! I can already smell Clemont's cooking!" He said as he sped down the stairs.

We made our way to the dining room. Bonnie, Misty and Miette were already there, while Clemont was still in the kitchen. Serena took her seat beside Misty, while I took mines beside Gary.

"How were your rooms?" Bonnie asked as she took a sip of her orange juice.

"Amazing, our room is really well decorated." Misty replied.

"So cool!" Bonnie exclaimed, before turning towards Serena and I. "What about you guys?"

I scratched my cheek. "Oh, well our room is nice too, I guess."

"Is that so? How about the beds?" Meitte smirked.

My cheeks flushed red again. How did she know there was only one bed? That was when I realized that all rooms must've had the same layout, so she found out when she saw her own room.

I looked over to the side as I tried my best to hide my face. It didn't look like it was working, because everyone was looking at me while Miette laughed to herself. Even Serena noticed, which made me feel even more flustered than I was before.

"Does that mean..." Misty said, realizing what was happening. "Wait, there's only one bed in your room too?!?!?"

I backed up in my chair as Misty yelled at the top of her lungs. This girl had the loudest voice ever, you could probably hear her from miles away.

"NO! I WILL NOT ALLOW THIS!" She growled, making the hair on my arms stand up. Even Pikachu jumped off my shoulder and hid behind my back.

"I-I'm sorry!" I cried. "I-it wasn't my fault I got put into the same room as her!"

She got up from her seat and slammed her hand on the table, almost knocking over Bonnie's glass of juice. "Alright, that's it! Serena's moving into our room, and that's that!"

"W-what? But then one of us will have to sleep on the flo-" Serena said, before she got cut off.

"It's fine, we'll find a way to fit the three of us!" Misty replied. She'd do anything to get me away from Serena.

My Kalos Queen - An Amourshipping Fanfic (ON HOLD)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz