Chapter 11

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~Ash's POV~

I slowly followed Calem as he walked back to the group. I had my head down, hands in my pockets and was doing some of my own thinking.

There was one thing I knew about the person he was on the phone with. I was sure that person was a girl. It kind of made sense because he said 'I love you'. So there were a few people who I thought she may be. It could have been his mom, like he said. Or some other girl he was related to, like his sister, or his aunt. But then she could also be...

I clenched my left fist. It better not be what I was thinking. He was already dating Serena, so that girl on the phone couldn't have been who I thought she was. Arceus, the more I thought of it, the more I found myself believing it. But still, he already had a girlfriend, so it couldn't be, right?

Once again, I had so many questions I wanted to ask him. But it looked like it would be best to just leave Calem alone for now, he already looked so pissed at me and I didn't want to make him any angrier.

We got back and rejoined the group. Calem went and stood beside Serena. She looked up at him and said something. I wasn't able to hear anything, but she probably asked him about where he went. Still not being able to hear a single thing, he answered and afterwards gave her a smile, as he placed his arm around her waist.

I looked away and pouted. I felt the jealousy rise up in me. That made me want to get out of here even more. I wanted to go home, pronto. I thought this was going to be a good day, with just me and the girls. But nope, Calem ruined it.

"Ashy! Where did you go? I was looking for ya."

"Hey, Gary. Sorry, I just had to do something, it doesn't really matter."

I decided to keep my mouth shut on what I saw earlier, until I was 100% sure on who that person was. But for now, I'll just try to forget about it.

Gary noticed the unamused look on my face. "What's wrong Ashy?"

I sighed. "You probably know." I looked over at Calem and Serena, motioning Gary towards them.

"Look, Ashy. If you really don't like him, just push him into one of the aquariums and let him drown! It's that simple!"

"It doesn't really work like that." I sweat dropped.

"Yo, perverts! It's time to get some food, c'mon!" Misty called.

I kind of got used to this pervert thing, so it didn't really bother me much anymore.

"Yeah, alright! We're comin-"

"FOOOOOOODDDDD!!!" Gary dashed over to Misty, bumping into my shoulder in the process which caused me to almost lose my balance.

I put my fist up. "Gary, you idiot! Watch where you're going!"

Everyone was already at the food court by the time I arrived. They were all seated at a large table, enough to hold all eight of us. I took my seat beside Gary, in front of Serena and Calem. Out of all places, Gary had to pick this one.

"Darn it, there's no fried magikarp on this menu!" Gary said as he flipped through the pages.

"The pokemon at this aquarium are not meant to be eaten, Gary." Serena sweat dropped.

He sighed. "That sucks. Guess I'll just have some fries."

"The fries here are really good, so you have made a great choice." Calem said.

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