Sedici- Rosso

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The Alpha's Huntress
2015 © Luna Night
Sedici- Rosso

"Do you ever feel like, you're in a dream?" I asked Dimitri, looking out the glass between me and the landscapes of Russia. "That your world isn't real?"

I turn my head. Dimitri is sitting beside me in the back of the SUV, his arm around my shoulder. "I see why you'd ask," he said, understandingly. He lived in a world hidden from my world, like a prisoner of justice, like a nonexistent body with no name, yet... He does have a name, in my world he's a CEO, an engineer too. But in his, he's a King, an Alpha, a werewolf, he's magic.

"But I like to think your world is the one that's hiding," he added, wisely, deep in thought. "They don't know Kings and Queens, Alphas and Lunas, werewolves and vampires and witches exist. Half of the world's true magic is nonexistent under their nose because they're too greedy to share the world."

I nodded. I looked out the glass again, a bulletproof glass of this fast-moving, black SUV. Now that I look out things make more sense, once Dimitri's explained it. I am not in a dream, anymore. I'm awake, wide, lively awake. I see a couple of friends hanging out by the road, two are werewolves, three are human.

I smile, though we might live in secrecy and lies, in mixed species and different rules, we click. We speak, we socialize, we laugh, we connect and we hang out.

Who would ever think that the friends you hang out with shift into a wolf at night?

He kissed my cheek, noticing my almost-in-tears happiness. "I didn't think," I shook my head, "before, I didn't know it could be that way." He frowned thinking of the Before-Deka period of time. I suddenly got an idea. "I'd like to make something in Deka's memory," I smiled, "a park, a center—"

Dimitri laughed, "hold your horses, babe," he said, smirking, "one thing at a time." I nodded, but I was given a knew goal: to incorporate the species, for Deka. "We're here."

The SUV slowed down to a halt, and there was thick spoken Russian conversation by the driver. Dimitri, with ease, passed up two passports and whatnot. My papers were always fake, and I left all my property back in the Condominium, so I wondered how Dimitri managed to give me an identity. But apparently he was righteously confident. The man at the borders let us pass. I exhaled a breath I didn't know I was holding.

"I have a question," Dimitri said, looking down at my fake passport. "Ish," he added, shrugging. "More like a deal." I stared at him, impatient. "By the end of this small hideaway trip, I want a definite answer from you."

"Has there even been a question?" I asked him, afraid.

He chuckled, but he hasn't looked at me yet. "Yes, there's been. You see, I do love you, and I do want you, all costs, all flaws and cruelty, I want you. " but... "But I'm not only your lover but a King. An Alpha. I look after my people, they're my responsibility and my life. So, I'll refresh your memory and ask you, are you going to take the position as Luna? Head in? If you say yes, we are your priority, the pups are your children, the people are your people, your servants you love more than me, and your life is worth an army of men at your feet, counting me in. Your job is to sit beside me in a throne, and help me make bloody decisions, to keep me sane in times of war, and to at the same time, bless and support the people. And bonus, you get to keep me."

I gulped. "If I say I'm not ready?" I asked. That's a huge commitment, to not only be a Queen, but a Luna, a mother, a holy grail to people. That's too much to ask from me, I can't even look them in the eyes without apologizing for what I've done repeatedly.

"Then you'll never be," he said, "my kingdom needs me, they need me to serve them. We'll gladly shed blood for you, hunt for you, run for you, we'd do all for you, we'd forgive you, because you're our strength and what keeps us together. But if we can't have you, your truest  devotion, your care, then we'd have nothing at all."

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