Chapter 8 Practice, Practice, Practice

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Nikki Collins > Tuesday   September 22

            The date of Battle of the Bands has finally been announced. It’ll be on October 2, Friday. If that’s the case, we’ll only have about less than two weeks of practice time. I know it’s soon, but that’s how the school works.

            We’re actually practicing at one of the studios at ‘Pump up the Music’. Or to be precise, we’re taking a break from practice, since we don’t know what to practice yet.

            I hear Renee teasing Luke about a certain Amy. Mitchie and Katy are having a small formal chat. While me and Rick is trying to help Will’s girl problem.

            “You forgot to bring your guitar again?” Rick scolds at Will.

            “I’m sorry!” Will says. “It’s just… just…”

            “Just what?”

            “Eeeeehhh…” Will whimpers. If Rick continues to treat Will this way, he’ll probably be afraid of his own kind.

            “Here.” I say to Will, handing my acoustic guitar. “Play something.”

            He nervously takes my guitar and what he did next? NOTHING! I thought that he might play something better than my playing. Does he really know how to play the guitar?

            Will then motions Rick over and whispers something to his ear. Then Rick exclaims, “You’re left-handed?”

            “You’re left-handed?” I repeat in shock. Will just nods wordlessly.

            “But you do know how to play the guitar, right?” I ask. He nods again.

            “Do you own a left-handed guitar?” I ask. I kind of expect him to nod again, but instead, he shakes his head. How can he learn how to play a left-handed guitar if he doesn’t own one?

            I wipe away some of my sweat on my forehead using the back of my hands. We have a giant problem here and I do not know the answer to it.


Katy Hale > Tuesday   September 22

            He’s staring at me suspiciously again. Even if he’s occupied with Will, I can still see him sneaking glances at me. This feels so creepy to the max and I bet you know who he is.

            “Why are you staring at my cousin so much?” Mitchie asks all of a sudden. “Do you have a crush on him or something?”

            “EW! NO!” I shout. “Where’d you get that idea?”

            She just shrugs and says, “Just an assumption. Anyway, what I really want to ask is, if you’re not here because of my cousin, then why join this band without any musical experience?”

            “Well, uh…” I stammer. I can’t tell her I’m here because of a bet I made with my stupid soon-to-be stepsister. But I still need to tell Mitchie something so she won’t think I have a crush on her even more stupid cousin.

            “I, uh… like to act.” I say. I think my brain is not connected to my mouth. I mean, really? Why did I say I like to act?

            “Act?” Mitchie asks, full of doubt.

            “Yeah. Like, you know, in the theater and stuff.”

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