Chapter 5 Secrets

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  • Dedicated kay Trisha Lao

Chapter 5      Secrets

Renee Willows > Thursday   September 17

          Kawaii. Honto ni kawaii.

          He’s there kicking the soccer ball. He’s so cute, even if he’s covered in sweat. (That’s probably what makes him cute)

Okay. Eyes way from Allen Brown, I need to look like I’m drawing at my sketchbook. That way no one will suspect that I had crush on the school’s soccer team captain. I don’t want to let people about my little crush like what happened in elementary school, but that’s another story.

            “Hey Renee, what you doing?” a voice says. After hearing that, I think I just jump three feet in the air. I turn around to see Nikki looking at me.

            “Hi Nikki,” I mutter. “I’m just drawing that’s all.”

            “Can I see it?” Nikki asks, and then snatches away my sketchbook. “Hey, it’s blank.” I need to think up of an excuse.

            “I’m still thinking of what I should draw.” I say. It’s part true. I am supposed to think up of what to draw, but I can’t concentrate with him looking cute.

            “Then can I see your other artworks?” without waiting for an answer, she flips to first page of my sketchbook. I drew it a few weeks ago. It’s an anime girl and boy wearing winter clothes playing snowball fights. I need to practice the colorings. It’s too solid.

            “Hey, since when do you learn how to draw anime? They’re awesome.” she compliments. Everyone keeps saying that. I have far more things to learn about how to draw anime, far, far more.

            I thank her anyway. Then she flips one page after another. The second page is a sketch of a girl sitting under a tree. The third is a group of friends sleeping on a vast field. She keeps on saying that they’re better than the last one. The fourth, fifth, sixth and so on, too much compliments, head spinning,

            After she arrives at the last page, she returns the sketchbook. Then she yells in front of me like I’m some disease or something.

            “N-n-nani?” I stammer. Then I notice I said ‘what’ in Japanese. “I mean, what is it?”

            “I can’t figure out what to do to him! He just won’t talk!” she shouts. I hold the sketchbook in front of my face like a shield.

            “Who won’t talk?” I feel like Nikki’s the culprit and I’m the victim.      

            “Will, who else?” she says without looking at me in the eye. Is she talking about Will Sparks? Yes, she is. What did she expect from him, to fall madly in love with her? Will’s kind of cute if you think about it.

            “What do you want me to do then?”

            “Gee, I wish I know. Why can’t there be someone to teach him that girls aren’t scary?”

            “Yeah, that would be handy.” I say, remember last year when he used to be my lab partner. He won’t look at me without vomiting. (Not literally) I had to do all the assigned projects by myself and the teacher didn’t even care. I’m stuck with him all semester. It was dreadful. Then an idea pops into my head. “Hey, what if we can teach him that girls aren’t scary? I know the perfect guy for the job.”

            “Really? That’ll be great. Who is he?”

            “His name is Luke Cook.”

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