Chapter 3 Being Cool

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  • Dedicated to Michelle Ong

Chapter 3      Being Cool

Nikki Collins > September 11   Friday

            Battle of the Bands, huh? It would really be a lot of fun… unless you don’t have a band yet.

            Its lunch period and I’m skipping lunch. I don’t have much of an appetite today because I can’t find any band I can join during the past few days.

            Mitchie told me that this bulletin right in front of me consists of all the bands that need new members. But the problem is, most of these bands need bassists and back-up dancers. Some need keyboardists. I only knew how to play the guitar. I don’t mind if I’m singing, but dancing is not one of my specialties. Maybe I could join the dance school for an after-school activity. No way! I hate dancing but I love to watch others do it. How ironic.


            What on earth should I do? Battle of the Bands will be just a few weeks away.

            “Why not make a band yourself?”

            I jump (again) and look at my right and see Renee, smiling as always (Really! How the heck did she read my mind?). This time she’s wearing red and white headband, a red blouse, way too short black shorts, red and white striped knee socks and black boots with no heels. It’s probably better that way. She is already quite tall. Just imagine her taller and little kids will mistake her as the goddess of giants.

            I look down on my plain white tee, dark jeans and sneakers. I really need to update my style. Maybe I could go check out the mall later this afternoon. Maybe I’ll ask Mitchie to come along and help.

            “Why are you here at the empty hallway and not in the cafeteria?” Renee asks.

            “Lost my appetite,” I say which is true because I am desperate to join one. That’s why I came here for.

            “Such a shame, the cake looks delicious too.” she says, making a drooling face that’s pretty cute.

            “Cake? What cake?” I ask. All of a sudden, I get hungry again.

            “Don’t you know? The newspaper staff is celebrating Mitchie’s birthday.”

            “What? Mitchie’s birthday? Today?” I cry. How can I not know this?

            Renee nods like she is saying ‘Really? You don’t know?’

            “Why did you only tell me now?” I say, while running to the cafeteria. I want to at least witness Mitchie blowing the candles.

            “Honto ni gomen!” Renee yells, while running with me. Huh?! What the heck does that mean?

            “Sorry! Bad habit of mine. It means ‘I’m really sorry!’.”

            “I noticed.” I say. Bad habit? I’d like to call it a weird habit (in a good way!).


Mitchie Sky > September 11 Friday         

            After they sing the birthday song, I silently wish and blow all the thirteen candles on my honey-flavored cake.

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