Chapter Thirty-Three.

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Elena's POV.

In what had become our usual day, Harry and I were sprawled out on the couch at my house. Every day after work, he would just follow me here. Not that I was complaining. I could never get tired of watching him lay on my couch with his legs in my lap, his shirt rising up a little to expose the ink that disappeared under his dark jeans.

I'd had an epiphany. Harry could not be what I wanted him to be, and I was okay with that. In our own little way, we were together. And that was all right with me.

"You're so shit at catching these," he smiled, rolling his eyes as he held up another piece of popcorn that he intended to throw towards my mouth.

"Well you try it then, Mister," I teased, pushing his legs off of me and grabbing the bowl from his stomach.

He got up on his forearms, his biceps flexing as he opened he held himself up. He opened his mouth wide and when I threw the popcorn, he caught it perfectly.

"Easy," he smirked smugly as he chewed and lay back down.

  I threw the bowl back in his lap and slumped into the couch in defeat. The way he was smirking at me still made me keep my eyes trained on the tv instead of at his irresistible-ness.

  "Oh come on 'Lena," he teased, using the nick name he had picked up from my mother. "It's a skill. You have to learn it over time."

  "Yeah," I scoffed. "Because catching popcorn in my mouth is a skill I want to learn."

  "I don't see why not," he said between chomps of popcorn.  "I'll teach you. Come on- open your mouth. Come on."

So I sat there, ridiculously, with my mouth wide open as he threw and missed several more times.

"Looks like you're a pro," I sighed in defeat. Although, I really didn't feel defeated at all.

"Looks like it, yeah?"

  I liked it like this. Things were so easy and laid-back, it was hard to remember what I was dealing with and what he was dealing with and what we weren't supposed to be. Alone like this, everything seemed like it was exactly how it was supposed to be.

"There's something I actually want to talk to you about," he said, sitting up suddenly and reaching for the remote on the table. When he clicked it off, the house went quiet.

  "Oh yeah?" I wondered, reaching for a handful of popcorn.

  He nodded, staring at me for a moment before placing his hands on his knees and rubbing them slightly.

  "Right well," he started and began to rock back and forth. "I've been thinking a lot about what we talked about last week. About me going back to school."

  I couldn't help but raise a brow at him. This conversation was suddenly turning serious. For the better, of course.

  "Have you?"

  "Mhm. And I've called around a lot, seeing if there's any places that would be able to accept me on such short notice."


  "Obviously I couldn't get into any of the big universities I wanted to with the semester starting in just a few weeks," he said slowly. It almost seemed like he was choosing his word choice carefully, like he was thinking over each word in his head before he said them. "So I'm starting small. At IUSB. I enrolled last Thursday."

  "You're- wow. Harry that's amazing," I smiled when the name of the community school left his lips. It was a small school, but at least it would get him started.

  "Yeah," he smiled. "Yeah I guess so."

"This is so exciting!" I beamed, throwing my arms around his neck. He fell back onto the couch in shock and laughed when I landed on his chest.

When I tried to pull away, he clasped his arms tightly around my back and held me to him. I couldn't help but smile.

"Have you decided what you're going for?"

  "No," he spoke. "But I do know I definitely want to do things in the medical field.. maybe things to help people like Lily."

  "I think that is a great idea, Haz."

  "Yeah," he smiled. I didn't even need to look up to know he was smiling. I could hear it in his voice. "I'm on a waiting list for Notre Dame too. They saw my grades from before and- I don't know.  They were looking at me back when I was still in school. They said I'd do great there."

  I shot up quickly, not even helping the cheek splitting smile that took up my face.

  "You're going to Notre dame?" I wondered, smacking at his toned stomach excitedly.

  He held his hand against his stomach so I'd smack it instead of him and chuckled to himself.  

  "If I can manage an 'A' average there is a guaranteed spot for me next year. At least that's what I was told."

  I threw myself down on top of him and pressed my lips sloppily onto his. I didn't care, in that moment, what he would think about it. I only cared that I was excited and kissing him felt like the right thing to do.

  So I did it. And I did it again. And again. And again.

  And I kept doing it until he pulled away with one side of his mouth turned upwards.

"I mean it's not Stanford." He stopped and I literally had to will myself not to yell out loud. Stanford. Stanford? "But at least you'll be there."


  "I'm going to your school Elena," he said factually. "We're going to be at the same school. Together."

  I nodded. "Together."

With a sense of peace settling over us, Harry breathed out deeply.

"So I guess there won't be a rift between us after all."

I almost wanted to laugh. "Of course there isn't. I told you so."

"Funny how that works out, innit?"

"Everything has a way of turning out in the end, you know?"

Harry's warm, massive hand trailed up and down my back.

"Trust me," he smiled. "I know."



Here's this short little cutesy chapter!

I hope you guys enjoy! There are only a few chapters left now and that's it ):


q: what's your guys' favorite song off made in the AM?

A: it's all so good??? What a feeling is my fave but at the same time I like Olivia and temporary fix and end of the dayyy.

As always, thank you so much for reading! Please don't forget to vote and comment.

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