Chapter Twenty-Nine.

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   Harry's POV-

   I sat on the  bed, my head in my hands as I contemplated the events of tonight. It wasn't supposed to be like this. Arguing with Elena was not something I pictured happening. Her storming out on me never should have occurred.

    It was my fault. I had spent the last two weeks overthinking everything, driving myself insane with the possibility of what could happen once Elena went off to university. Her busy schedule that was sure to come was inevitable and it always had been, and I knew that from the start. With the date coming closer and closer, it all seemed to bare a heavy weight in my chest. A weight I wasn't sure how to handle.

I was such a dick. She came all the way here for me. She put her life on hold just to make sure that I was okay, and this is what I do? God, why did I always have to fuck everything up?

I picked my phone up from the bed, hesitating before dialing her number by heart. It rang for what seemed like hours, each ring setting the bigger fear that she was really done with me this time and had left.

"Hello?" An all too familiar voice echoed into my ear. It wasn't the all too calm voice that I was used to, but the loud-chipper voice that, in the short months between February and now, I had come to appreciate.

"Amelia," I greeted as I anxiously ran my sweaty palms along the fabric of my jeans. The air conditioner in the window did not give up much air and the room always smelled like thick cigarette smoke. "Is Elena..."

"She's around here somewhere."


"Yeah," she affirmed. "She came back, like, fifteen minutes ago and left again. I figured she was with you."

I stuffed my feet into my boots as I tried my best to hold the phone in place between my ear and my shoulder. This was probably the sleaziest motel I'd stayed in-the rooms were decent, sure, but the people I had seen during my stay here were anything less than an abnormality.

"And she didn't say where she was going?" I asked, throwing the door open and letting it slam behind me.

"Nope, I think..." I stopped paying attention as soon as I spotted the platinum blonde hair.

Elena stood against the wall, looking coolly out into the parking lot. Her face held no emotion, but her eyes were red and puffy and her cheeks were wet.

"Found her," I mumbled into the phone, quickly ending the call and shoving it into my back pocket.

"What are you doing out here?" I wondered, moving to stand against the wall beside her. I expected her to push me away or to even move away from me, but she didn't. She barely even looked over at me before crossing her arms and staring blankly out at the parking lot.

"Thinking," she answered simply. The tone of her voice was dull, . Not at all like Elena- like my Elena.





"What about me?"

She turned to me, leaning against the building on her arm, staring up at me with her big brown eyes.

"You said that this hasn't helped you," she started with a sigh. She was looking up at me so intently that I couldn't help but stare back at her, like all of the answers of the world's problems were lost in her big, cocoa-colored eyes. "But I think-no, I know, that it's bullshit."

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