Chapter Twenty-Two.

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I cut through stop signs, silently praying that the streets would stay barren until I could get to my apartmemt- to Elena. My insides were swarming with everything- panic, worry, but most of all rage.  What the hell was wrong with that guy? What was going on in his head to make him think that doing something like that would ever be okay? It wasn't fucking okay and if there was something really wrong with Elena, if I found out he did anything before I could stop him ... I'd find him and I'd kill him. 

      The old stairs creaked under my boots as I took them two at a time. My hands shook as I reached for the handle on my door- thanking Ashton and Amelia silently for not closing it all the way when they came in. With as bad as my hands were trembling, I never would've been able to open it on my own.

    I opened the door to see the both of them surrounding the couch. Amelia had a wet rag in her hand and she was wiping it across Elena's sweaty forehead. Ashton was crouched down on the floor, holding Elena's hand. He looked about as freaked out as I felt.

    "How is she?" I frantically asked. Seeing her there, passed out like that, made me physically sick. Once I found out who that dick was... so help me God.

    "She passed out in the car on the way here," Amelia said quietly, sweeping her hair off her face.

    "But other than that she seems fine," Ashton reassured me. It wasn't really convincing, though, given the sight of him. He was pale- too pale, and he was clutching her hand so tight. "Did you find out what she took?"

    "Something called Super C." I'd never heard of it, but then again I didn't go around slipping drugs into peoples' drinks, either. "I don't know what it is."

  "I really hope you taught that prick a lesson," Amelia said quietly, pursing her lips as she wiped at Elena's forehead.

   "We should move her to my room," I told them. I couldn't believe they'd put her on the couch instead of my bed instead. They moved aside as I scooped her up. It was sort of gut wrenching, the way her limp body was so heavy. I wondered if she could move anything. If she knew what was going on around her. Part of me hoped she didn't. She didn't need to know what awful things had been done to her.

  As if she'd somehow heard what I was thinking her eyes shot open, revealing brown eyes that seemed to be looking right at me but not focusing on me at all. 

  "Harry," she mumbled as soon as I set her down on the bed and pulled the covers up to her shoulders . At least that's what it sounded like she was saying. I couldn't be too sure, she wasn't making much sense.

  "Shhh," I sat down beside her, stroking her damp hair back behind her ears. "It's, okay, Elena. You're going to be all right, love."

  "Harry," she said again, her speech so slurred and ran together. Amelia lay down on the other side, rubbing Elena's back and Ashton sat at the foot of the bed. "I want Harry."

  "I'm here, Elena. I'm right here."

  Just as quick as she had opened them, her eyes were shut again. I panicked for only a second until I saw her chest- heaving up and down slowly.

  "I'm going to keep her here tonight," I whispered and they both nodded in agreement. "And then in the morning I'm going to tell her mum everything that happened. If anything gets worse I'm going to take her to the hospital."

  I'd never been in this situation before. What the hell was I supposed to do? I felt panicked, like I could get sick at any minute because my nerves were in bundles.

   "Are you okay?" Amelia asked.

  "What? Yeah I'm fine."

  "No Harry," she nodded towards my hand that was pushing Elena's hair out of her face. My knuckles were busted- the cut especially deep on my middle finger. I hadn't even noticed. I didn't feel any pain.

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