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*Spencer's POV*

I noticed Leo had been pretty down lately. I wanted to ask him but I also didn't want to make the situation worse. Today, I decided I would talk to him.

I approached him while he was meditating. He was always the calmest then.

"Hey Leo?"


"Could I ask you something?"

He opened one eye. "What's up?"

"You've just seemed really down lately. Is everything okay?" I asked.

Leo sighed. "Yeah I guess. I just kinda regret what I did the other day. I mean, I guess I was pretty tough on Raph and Katelyn."

I put a hand on his shoulder. "You only did what you had to do as a leader."

"I know... But I still think I should apologize..."

"We could always go looking for them," I suggested.

Leo nodded. "That would be best. I think Donnie, Ava, Mikey, and Jewel should go."

I nodded as well. "That sounds like a good plan."

"It's settled then," Leo said.

*Katelyn's POV*

My cold was way worse. I don't even think it's a cold anymore. I'm pretty sure I have pneumonia at this point. Raph was out patrolling so it was just me. I coughed and sneezed every five seconds so sleeping was out of the question. I decided to just think.

I had to admit, I was regretting using my powers on Leo. I knew it was a bad idea, but I did it anyway. I don't even remember why I did it. I wanted to apologize, but Raph was too proud to take me back without Leo apologizing first. I knew that much.

I sighed as I felt myself start drifting into sleep.

I'll apologize eventually.

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