Getting Better/Worse

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*Leo's POV*

I woke up at around 7 and slowly got out of bed, careful not to wake Spencer. I softly felt her head and realized her fever had gone down noticeably. I decided to wait until she woke up to ask how she felt. I headed towards the door, but hadn't gotten very far before I heard her voice.


I turned around, seeing her sitting up in bed.

"Hey, Spence," I said. "How are you feeling?"

Spencer yawned. "I feel better. Not as tired. Actually a little hungry."

I smiled. "Want to go get some breakfast?"

She nodded and stood up. "Yeah."

We went into the kitchen and I saw Mikey making some eggs.

"Hey Mikey," I said.

He looked up. "Oh hey Leo, Spencer. You guys want some eggs?"

Spencer nodded. "Sure."

I shrugged. "Why not? Thanks Mike."

Spencer and I sat down as Mikey handed us each a plate of eggs. I watched as Spencer had scarfed her eggs in only a few minutes. I was glad to see she was eating again, and that she was feeling better.

I finished my eggs and stood. "Wanna train, Spence?" I asked. She would need to get her strength back.

She shrugged. "Sure. I could use a workout."

I smiled as we both went to the dojo.

*Raph's POV*

It had been almost three days and Katelyn wasn't getting any better. She was actually getting worse. She almost couldn't move on her own the cold was so bad. She didn't get any sleep because she was up all night coughing. I had just started to fall asleep when I heard her break into another coughing fit.

I got out of bed and went to her side. "You okay, Kate?"

She finished coughing and shook her head. She couldn't respond to me because she had lost her voice yesterday from coughing so much. I handed her a glass of water and helped her take a few sips.

"That should help with the cough," I told her. She leaned back on the pillows. I had propped her up to help her not cough.

I went back to bed and closed my eyes. I heard her sneeze and then silence for a few minutes. Then I heard her steady breathing, telling me she had fallen asleep.

Man what I wouldn't give for Donnie to be here. Then I might be able to help her...

A/n: sorry this was so short. Didn't know what else to write.


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