Meeting the Girls: Part 2

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*Leo's POV*
As soon as we got back to the lair, Donnie went into his lab, Mikey headed for the tv, and Raph went into the dojo. I went into my room and sat on my bed. My stomach growled and I realized that since Mikey ate the pizza, no one else got to eat. So, I decided to go up top on a pizza run. I stood up and went into the living room.

"Guys I'm going to get pizza," I told my brothers.

"Get two boxes of pepperoni!" Mikey yelled from where he was sitting in front of the tv.

My other two brothers didn't respond, but I knew if they asked where I was, Mikey would have it under control.

'That's something I never thought I'd think or say,' I thought to myself.

I left the lair and looked for the nearest manhole cover.

****time skip****

Once I had ordered the pizza, I began making my way to April's apartment, the place where we always sent our ordered pizza since we couldn't get it ourselves. I jumped down onto the fire escape in front of her window. I knocked lightly on the window and waited. After a few minutes, April opened the window.

"I was wondering who sent two boxes of pepperoni pizza to my door," she said with a smile.

I gave a small chuckle. "Well Mikey ate all the pizza at home, so I figured we'd need more."

April laughed as she handed me the pizza. "Mikey seems to always eat all the pizza."

"Yeah," I replied. "Sometimes I think he loves pizza more than his own brothers."

She laughed again. "Well I'd love for you to stay Leo, but I have a friend coming over pretty soon so..."

"Got it. I have to get back to the lair anyways. See ya April."

"Bye, Leo."

She closed her window as I climbed up the fire escape.

I had barely jumped four buildings when I heard struggling and laughter coming from the alley below me. I set the pizza on the rooftop and looked down. There was a group of about four guys and they were cornering a girl.

"Come on," one of the men said. "We won't hurt ya pretty lady!"

"Much," another snickered.

"Leave me alone!" The girl shouted at them.

The men just laughed and pushed the girl up against the wall. One of the men tried to grab her, but she kicked him in the stomach. Another reached forward and grabbed her waist, pulling her to him. I got ready to jump down if things got out of hand.

"Come on pretty lady," the man said to her as she struggled in his grasp.

"You know," she said. "You shouldn't mess with a Purple Dragon. Cause we know how to do this!"

The girl elbowed the man in the chin.
'She's a Purple Dragon?'

"You'll pay for that you bitch!" The man yelled.

"I'm not done yet." She brought her knee up and kneed him in the groin. He fell to the ground, groaning.

The remaining three men pushed her up against the wall again, two of them restraining her arms and legs so she couldn't defend herself anymore. The last man stepped forward, grabbed her neck, and began undoing the buttons on her shirt. She struggled but couldn't escape.

Alright. Time to intervene.

I jumped down into the alley. "I suggest you leave the lady alone," I growled.

The men dropped her, causing her to fall to the ground, gasping for air and coughing.

I pulled all three men away from her and knocked them out easily. The last man was already unconscious from the girl's hits. I stepped closer to her.

"Are you alright?"

She looked up at me, not at all scared by my appearance, which surprised me. Usually people would scream at the sight of a 6 foot talking turtle carrying ninja weapons.

She coughed again, one hand on her neck. "Yeah. I'm- I'm okay."

I held out one of my hands. "Here."

She slowly took it and I helped her stand.

"Thanks," she said.

"No problem. I'm Leo."


"That's a nice name," I complimented.

She blushed. "Thanks."

She turned to leave the alleyway.


She turned. "Yeah?"

"Um... Meet me here tomorrow? Same time?"

She smiled. "Sure."

She left the alley and I jumped back onto the roof. I grabbed the pizza and headed back to the lair.

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