Chapter 15

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Brooke's POV

I wanted to sleep so badly but I wasn't allowed to. The doors opened and people began to walk inside. Three boys walked in a bee line towards me.

"Hey, what's a pretty girl like you doing here?" He was obviously the leader of the clique. 

"Umm boss it says that she's a red wolf."

"How old is she?"

 "She is fifteen." It was the zoo keeper.

"If your interested in her come to this place at nine sharp." He handed them a piece of paper. They looked at each other in a fan girl type of way.

"Thanks. See you in my bedroom." He winked at me and walked away with his posy. I didn't belong to them I belonged with Evan.

"What? Why not??" I looked up to see who's voice it was. It sounded like Evan. But the chances of him being here were too small. I had been here for a couple months now, so most male voices sounded like Evan's.

I sat down seiza style. My hair had grown to make me look like I was one of those anime characters. I just wanted to go home. Tears rolled down my face. They stripped me naked but I didn't care anymore.

"Brooke?" That voice was so familiar. My head slowly raised.


"What are you doing in here?? I gotta tell Evan and we're going to get you out I promise."

"Find a guy named Daniel and he'll take you somewhere but please tell Evan where I am and that I'm safe."

"But where will i find him?"

"Did you forget who your brother is??" 

"O yeah. Brooke I promise on my life that I'll get you out of here." I made hand motions to tell her leave.

I finally gonna get out of here.

Evans POV

"Look it says that these animals are endangered."



"I'm really bored of being in the normal animal section. They have a cryptic section you know and I wanna go there." Ramona got tired of us looking at the regular animals. We had been there for and hour and a half.

"Come on its just over there." She grabbed me and walked towards the exhibit.

"O I'm sorry but I can't let you in sir." A weird looking man blocked me but Ramona managed to slip in.

"What? Why not??"

"Because this area is at maximum capacity right now." I looked inside to see there was on five people inside.

"Come man on five people are in there."

"We'll that's the maximum it could hold sorry." He waddled inside. I walked to the elephant habitat. Ramona was still inside. What was she doing?

"Evan!!" I turned my head to see Ramona run full force towards me.

"What's wrong?

"It's *Gasp* Brooke."

"What where is she???"

"She's *Gasp*." She stopped talking and pointed. 

"How do you know?" She finally caught herself.

"I went inside and saw her. She said find a guy named Daniel." The only Daniel I knew was the rogue who just moved in but didn't want to be part of the pack.

"Come on Ramona let's go." I took out my keys to my jeep.

"But who is this guy?" We walked out of the gate for the zoo and unlocked the doors.

"He's a rogue but he doesn't mean any harm. He doesn't want to join the pack." I started the car and started to drive in full force. I think hiss house was a quarter was a mile away

"Hello? Are you serious? But. Then. Ok thanks bye"

"Who was that?"

"Sarina. Brooke's parents..."

"Yeah what happened?"

"They died in a sulphurous explosion in a lab experiment." If I told Brooke this now she would be traumatized. I would have to tell her a couple weeks from now. 

"Does Bruno know?"

"I think so because there was crying in the background."

I parked the jeep in the drive way and ran out of the car.

"You stay right here it'll only take me a couple seconds to get him." I closed the door and ran up the stairs. His house was huge. I rang the door bell.

"Good afternoon sir. Are you here to see master Daniel?"

"Yes, tell him this is an emergency."

"But he is in a meeting as of right now." I burst the door open and ran into the mansion. I knew where his meeting room was because I had been here before to ask him if he wanted to join our pack. 

I bolted to door open.

"Daniel! Stop what your doing because Brooke is desperate need of your help."

"I'm planning something right now." 

"Your just drawing little pieces of shit!!! You have to come with me at once!!" I used the alpha tone on him.

"I'm drawing a plan that could help free Brooke you idiot." He told me to sit and told me about what happened last night with Brooke and how he was making plans on breaking into the zoo before they took her to the auction.

"Are you sure this is going to work?"

"I've broken into many places without getting caught, so I'm extremely sure." He was bad. Worse than I was. 

"Ok let's go in my car outsidddd..." I completely forgot that Ramona was in the car. It had been an hour since I left.

"Alright let's go." I walked to the car to see her sleeping. I got inside but Daniel was just starring a Ramona.

"Dude are you alright?"

"No." I looked at him like he was completely crazy.



"O yeah that's my sister Ramona. Can you lift her or do you want me to?" He opened the door and picked her up. He didn't move he was just starring at her.

"Hey man, just open the door and put my sister in the back." Daniel moved slowly and kissed her forehead then put her down. Didn't he have a mate?

"Ok let's go." I buckled up and drove to the pack house. (A hint on what will happen next is in my author's note)


Ok sorry for the long wait you guys.

I was trying to catch up with my friends after exams.

Plus, I've been trying to bet my best friend in tweets. So yeah that's another reason.

I'll try to update every two to three days.

If you would like follow me on twitter @_beyonddddd

Next chapter many secrets will be revealed and it's gonna be a crying fest so bring your tissues.

Anyways song of the chapter is What about love- Austin Mahone

Ok bye bye 

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