Q and A with the Author + Characters ♡

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Jhodie: Heyyo peeps! It's me again with answers to some questions. Because why not? And I managed to call in everybody before we part ways. Don't get me wrong. Harper and Co. is fun to be with but *whispers* the sexual tension between Harper and Adam is just...

Harper: We DO NOT have sexual tension between us, Jhodie! For fu-

Alex: Okay, kids! Let's get this show on the road before a catfight starts.

Harper: *rolls eyes* says the hypocrite.

Q: What would y'all do if Jhodie killed one of you?

Will: I'd go batshit crazy maybe. I don't know. I don't care for these guys enough to be with them.

Vanessa: As if, Will. You'd probably visit my grave everyday and bring me flowers and tell me stories. 

Harper: Why am I even friends with you guys again? *dramatic sigh* But please, kill the bastard. I don't care. That sonuvabitch deserves it.

Dennise: Harper!

Alex: Speaking of, where's Adam?

Harper: Probably with his fiance, tounge deep down her throat. *scoffs*

Xander: Yeah, he's not. He broke it off, remember? 

Adam: Yeah, remember?

Harper: Okay, who let the dog out?

Adam: d-_-b

Dennise: *shakes head* and nobody answered the question.

Q: Jhodie, what was the hardest scene to write?

Jhodie: I think it was when Harper was returning to New York. I had the worst case of writer's block and I had no idea what to write or how to write anything. And so, that was how Noah was created.

Noah: You make it sound like I was accidental, Jho! Rewrite that scene and make me a grand entrance.

Jhodie: *eyes in slits* You're lucky I created you, child.

Q: Now that the book is almost done, can you tell us who is your most disliked character?

Jhodie: I wouldn't call it 'most' disliked but...I think it's-

Vanessa: ADAM!

Adam: What did I even do?!

Vanessa: You were an asshole to Harper, you bastard.

Adam: Only Harper can call me that, Nes. And I had a valid reason to be an asshole to her. 

Vanessa: *whips hair* If my son were to grow up like you, I'd disown him almost immediately.

Jhodie: As I was saying earlier before I was rudely interrupted *glares at Nessa*, I think it's definitely Adam. We just don't see eye to eye babe. #sorrynotsorry

Adam: Why does everybody hate me all of a sudden? Harper, love meeee.

Q: If you didn't make Harper leave, what are the possible turn of events?

Jhodie: I don't think Adam and her will be together for a long run because there's college and pursuin their dreams. They might end up the way they did now with less drama. Her mom would probably open a shop of something and will eventually meet a guy (not Phil) and have a baby or something. The possibilities are endless!

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