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PSA! This is a double update! I also uploaded chapter 19. So, don't read ahead if you haven't read chapter 19 yet.


Chapter Twenty

what we have once enjoyed we can never lose.

all that we love deeply becomes a part of us


Helen Keller

They all stood in front of me, waiting and unblinking. Hundreds and hundreds of people waiting.

          My friends— they stood beside me, hands held together as I snapped the ribbon in two and someone captured a photo of us. A smile bloomed on my face. I can't believe I finally did it! After years and years of dreaming of this, I finally owned a music studio. Oh God, am I dreaming? Someone pinch me please.

          The crowds cheered and clapped, some even hooting in happiness. If I wasn't holding gigantic scissors, I would've jumped around and hug everyone in sight.

          "Smile, everybody!" The photographer said. And we did. None of us were to be seen without a silly smile or a toothy grin. "That was absolutely perfect!"

          "...And here we have Ms. Woods, herself, on the grand opening of her music studio here in Brooklyn, New York! After years of hard work and dedication, it surely is a triumph to see it right before your eyes!" A female reporter beamed.

          "Couldn't have said it any better, Claudia. And less six months ago, Adam Pierce just opened his very own hotel using his own designs. What a remarkable that day was!" My smile slipped. They had to ruin this special day of mine. Now I suddenly hate reporters.

And what I couldn't believe was that if it was seven years ago, a mere mention of his name would've made me smile and blush like an idiot. But now? Just the mere thought of him made me want to knee someone in the balls. Hard.

Over the course of six months and with a new sister, I managed to pay Adam after everything he did. Hospital bills? Paid. His crappy hotel and its services? Paid. Hell, I even paid for his expensive button-up that I intentionally spilled orange juice on. No regrets whatsoever.

I did all these not to flaunt my money at him. No, never. God, I'd look like a fool. It was for the fact that I was not a prostitute he can throw his money on. The nerve of him to even think that. That bastard. But then, the next day later, I found my balance account the same before I paid him.

Someone pinched me on the arm hard enough a small yelp escaped me. What the...?

"Now, we were lucky enough to squeeze in a small interview with Ms. Woods." My eyes grew wide at the oncoming horde of reporters and cameras before I quickly masked it with a smile. This was my day. Mine and mine only.

My friends scattered on their own, smiling and giving me thumbs-up while they talk to the others. Seeing us still together after seven years never failed to amaze me with how strong the bond we had was.

The female reporter came up to me and once again introduced me to the camera and probably to the whole world. "When you won that Dame Myra Hess just last year, did it ever occur to you that you'll be having your own music studio in the future?"

I chuckled lightly. "The irony is, I never thought I would even win an award. All I wanted was to have my own studio and teach piano and singing lessons to little kids."

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