A l a R a s i

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A/N Play the piano vid up there when you get to the *scene*. You'll know which one it is. ;)

Chapter Five

love has reasons which

reason cannot



Blaise Pascal

This has got to be a terrible joke.

I woke up at eight this morning with no one in my house. Absolutely no one. The space where Adam had slept in last night was perfectly made as if he hadn't slept there at all. But he did left a note that said:

Call me at five


That was all that it said and written below his initials were his number. I then knocked on mom's door and found out that she wasn't there. Oh would you look at that, a note! How great. Not. As it turns out, she already left because she was need at the office at six in the morning. Something fishy was going on here.

Mom left me leftovers from last night and I still had a couple of hours to kill before I call Adam, as specifically said, by five.

After a nice and cold bath and practicing the piano, I gave him a ring. "Pierce?"

"Hey, cherry." He drawled and I could imagine him somewhere running a hand through his silky hair and smirking. "How does it feel to finally have my number?"

I contemplated ending the call but I was curious as to why I had to call him at twelve. "I honestly thought I entered the wrong number and accidentally called Freddy Prince Jr. but sadly, it was only you."

There was a hanging silence that seemed to stretch on for miles before he spoke. "I'm insulted that you think that garbage is handsomer than me. Have you seen the guy's hair? He looks shit."

"'Handsomer' is not a word, stupid. And I'm hanging up."

"Okay, okay don't." A pause.

"I'm waiting."

"So, there's this- Will? Shit, man. I'll call for help- Okay- Fuck. Just calm down." There was a loud groan. "-No, you're not going to die- Bro, don't die on me- Somebody's going to be around here. Yeah, I know that we're in an abandoned building. JUST CALM DOWN, FOR FUCK'S SAKE."

Will? I was already dashing to the garage and had started the engine, my heart pounding loudly in my chest. "Pierce? Where are you? I'm going there. Is Will okay? Don't let anything happen to him."

Adam's reply was a frantic and jumbled mess of words. "Yeah. I don't know. Just come here faster. Will!" The call ended.

Under the steering wheel, I felt my hands turn clammy and they began to shake wildly. I knew the place they were at. It was the only place here in Brooklyn that nobody ever dared to go to. Except those two, I suppose. You shouldn't have introduced those two to each other. Now look at what happened, the voice in my head begrudgingly whispered. Don't you think I don't know that? I retort nervously.

Thankfully, the drive to the abandoned building was easy and there was hardly any traffic. Please let Will be okay. Please let Will be okay. Not him, too. And not on the same month. Maybe on September you can take his whiny ass. Okay no. That's cruel. Don't let anything bad happen to him please.

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