N u m i n o u s

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Chapter Six

we can never obtain peace in the outer world until we make peace with ourselves
Dalai Lama

I woke up to the bright sunlight streaming down my face and a heavy body on me. Am I in Heaven with a corpse?

"Eurghh," I groaned, the chilly morning air biting my skin. There seemed to be a stampede of elephants in my head along with the out-of-sync beating of a gazillion drums. What even happened last night? Oh right, my birthday. Covering my eyes, I blindly and groggily pushed the body off of me.

The body moved. I froze. And I thought I was going to die. "Go back to sleep, cherry." A husky voice said and dragged an arm over my bare stomach. Wait, bare? BARE?

My eyes flew open as I frantically scooted away from- ADAM? I quickly snatched the blanket and tried to cover myself as much as I could. I poked Adam with my foot. "Dude, wake the Hell up!" In response, Adam rolled over his belly and dug his face deeper into my pillows, unmoving. He might as well have been dead. "Pierce..."

"Ghj bckh tho swmhp." He mumbled and tried to snatch the blanket from me aimlessly.

"Pierce! Did you- we- last night?" I uneasily said, ignoring the heavy pounding in my head. Adam didn't move. Instead, he snored obnoxiously, the sound muffled by the pillow. "I swear that if you- PIERCE!"

My bed was only a double size and with Adam's width, there wasn't much space between us giving him the advantage of pulling me the hell down with him. He looked at me sideways and smiled, his handsome face enveloped with sleep. I huffed in my head. How come he gets to be attractive in the mornings and I get to be the smelly witch?

I ended up on his side with an arm draped over me again. "Mornin', cherry." He raspily greeted, his voice dropping several notches down than usual. That morning voice. It sent tingly and fuzzy feels to my stomach that reached down to my toes. His eyes looked marvelous under the sunlight despite it being heavy-lidded with sleep. I cocked an eyebrow at him and tried- keyword: tried- to pry of his arm off of me but to no avail.

"I'm seriously this close," I brought my thumb and forefinger extremely close together," to punching you and kicking you off of my bed, you know that?"

He pulled me closer to him, gripping me by the waist tightly and snuggled his nose to my neck, inhaling my scent. Memories from last night hit me like a ton of bricks. Dancing under the dim lights wildly, our bodies extremely pressed together with his hands on my waist, his sinful mouth licking my throat, my hands tangling with his soft hair. Oh God. Then him playing the piano and- and-

"Cherry? Cherry?" I shook my head to clear away those memories and found Adam deeply staring at me. I turned my face away from him as I yawned. "Last night was fun, yeah?" He smiled.

I halted mid-yawn. "L-l-last night?" I stammered.

"Yeah," he said, drawing out the syllables, "last night." A devilish smirk appeared on his face.

I grew more distressed. My brows furrowed and I bit my nails in anticipation. "What," I gulped, "what happened last night?"

Adam did a tally on his fingers, his eyebrows scrunching in mock concentration. The smirk never left his face as he spoke. "Well, after you and pretty much everyone else got deep-shit drunk last night, I drove everyone home last night."

I let out a shaky breath, relief evident. "Oh, thank God. I thought something ha-"

"But that's not it."

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