S o l i v a g a n t

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Chapter Eighteen

absence sharpens love;

presence strengthens it


Benjamin Franklin

Seven years later

"Ladies and gentlemen, we have safely landed in John F. Kennedy International Airport," the voice of the captain announced through the speakers. "We'd like to thank you for joining us on this trip and we are looking forward to seeing you on board again in the near future. Have a nice evening!"

          I turned to look at the seated passenger beside me who I became accustomed to.

          "So, I guess this is... goodbye?" I awkwardly said, offering him a smile.

          Noah shook his head, a curly lock of caramel hair bouncing lightly on his forehead. "I'm having none of that. How about I treat you to some coffee before we part ways? Unless you have to go somewhere immediately?"

          I did have to go to an opening gala in about two hours but it wouldn't hurt to have coffee with someone I met for almost a day. "Why not? And how about you? Don't you have to be somewhere?"

          Throughout the whole trip, Noah somehow made me less antsy about coming back here. I wasn't supposed to even come back until next year but I was paid to perform for the gala night.

          He chuckled and took my luggage down. "Oh, I have to be somewhere alright. I just can't pass up the opportunity to have coffee with a beautiful lady."

          I blushed at his words. "If you don't mind me asking, where do you have to be?" Harper, you nosy girl. We nodded to the flight attendants just as we were about to leave the plane.

          "My bestfriend just opened his second building and the bastard told me to come and visit him so we could party." Noah shrugged. "I had no choice." I stilled at the nickname. No, it's been years, Harper. Forget it. Forget him. "You okay?"

          I saw the genuine worry etched in Noah's face and couldn't help but feel more anxious. What if I see him? What if Noah was going to the same party as me? The possibilities were endless. But all I did was shook my head dismissively and smiled. "Yeah, I'm fine. So coffee?"


"No way!"

          Noah burst out laughing at my probably priceless reaction. "And do you know what I did after giving him an uppercut, which I might clarify, landed on his nose?"

          "What? Wait, let me guess." I seemed to think for a minute. "He ended up punching you back but failed miserably?"

          He took a sip of his tea and shook his head vigorously, outwardly excited. "That's the thing. I expected him to do that. But that bastard was smarter than I thought. I was the one who ended up on the floor with a bruised and a bloodied nose."

          My shoulders shook in laughter. "Oh my god, that really happened?" I didn't even care if he was telling the truth or not. It was just fun talking to him.

          "Of course it did or I wouldn't have a crooked nose right now." Noah said. So, it really was true then. He propped his chin on his hand and looked at me. "How about you? Any fun stories from before? Lovers? Boyfriends?"

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