Q and A with the AUTHOR pt. 1♡

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ME: Hey everyone! Before we head off to the questions, I know that some of you will probably just skip this and read the next chapter. But, for those who are genuinely curious about this story, my writing process, inspirations and thoughts on everything, read ahead. So, without furthur ado, hit me with the questions.

QUESTION #1: How many hours do you write a day?

ME: Well, since I have work and stuff. I only get about 3-4 hours of time to write a day. Sometimes, 1-2 when I'm dead ass tired. But when I don't have work or school, I write on an average 5-7 hours, sometimes straight, sometimes not.

QUESTION #2: How do you select the names of your characters? 

ME: LMAO. I usually go to the internet for this one and look up baby names with no specific meaning in mind and match a last name with it that sounds nice in a way. Sometimes, if I feel like making fantasy names or odd names, I go to the periodic table and make a name with the element symbols. AHAHAHAHAHAHA

QUESTION #3: Do you believe in writer's block and if yes, how do you deal with it?

ME: HELL YES, my children. Writer's block is inevitable for me and probably to everyone else (unless you're Stephen-freaking-King). The way how I deal with it is basically I change a scene. EVERYTHING ABOUT THE SCENE THAT I GOT STUCK ON. And write a different one and I'll simply find myself later done with a chapter. 

This may not work for you at all but it works for me, so... And, if I happen to like the scene that I changed, I'll keep it on a different file and save it for later. ;)

QUESTION #4: As a writer, what would you choose as your mascot/avatar/spirit animal?

ME: I've actually taken several tests regarding to this question. And the usual answer that I get is: either a deer or a wolf. And I think I know why. ;) But if I were to choose, I'd choose to make the lion my spirit animal. 

QUESTION #5: Who is your most favorite character on this book? And who is your least favorite? 

ME: Oh wow. Well, this is hard. Well, I think my most *liked* character is... Alex? I'm not sure but maybe it's because of her confidence on everything that I seem to not have and how she doesn't give a single care to what people think about her. I admire her a lot for that. 

As for the one who I dislike the most might be... nahh, I'm not saying a name yet. ;) MUAHAHAHAHH

QUESTION #6: How do you come up with the scenes and dialogue on your book?

ME: It comes naturally to me, the dialogue. But for the scenes, sometimes I have to look up inspirations and pictures on Pinterest then I'll make a scene out of it until my restless mind has made up a scene far from the picture I've took it from. AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA.

QUESTION #7: What is your writing Kryptonite?

ME: Hmm. What *is* my writing weakness? I think it's the ability to lose motivation in less than a minute and stop writing in the middle of a sentence. Like sdfhadskjfhjdskgadsk, that just makes me so annoyed every. Single. Time. Like bish, you ain't invited to my barbecue, go away.

LAST QUESTION... FOR NOW: How many words do you write per chapter? And how many chapters will this book have?

ME: *groans* I've been asked this question always so why not answer it here? So, I have a word count goal of 90k words for this whole book that's why I write more than 4.5k words on every chapter. The longest one was the second chapter which had over 6k words. I mean, by Wattpad standards, that's pretty long and annoying, right? But I plan to self-publish this book once it's edited and stuff. So, if you don't feel like reading a book with long chapters, well, the door is wide open. And no, I wasn't the one who tripped you on the way out. That was, um, the wind.

And I have about 20 chapters in mind for this book, not including the epilogue. But that might stretch because my original storyline for this book is currently adding up with other ideas and who knows what will happen? ;)

Well, that's all for now. The part 2 for this will be with some... guests. Hmmm. ;) Thanks for bothering to read this boring-ass Q and A. Happy reading to my story! Or not.

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