Chapter 5

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Mason's pov

This is my first day in London so far its been great Hannah and I are going to look around the shops for clothing I guess and talk get to know each other more. I honestly have no idea why but i have a feeling that something big is going to happen while I'm on this vacation but it just seems odd how helpful Hannah is being. Not that she isn't helpful she is but it just seems different, always asking if I need anything or want to do anything. I don't know that much about London than Big Ben honestly I was relying on Hannah to guide and plan things because she knows this place better than me.

Now we are eating some waffles that Hannah's mum made for us to eat. She said that after breakfast we would go to Westfield to look at things ((I have never been to London and have no idea what is at Westfield don't go on my saying on things))
" These waffles are great Mrs. Fletcher thanks so much for them." I say haven't had waffles in so long.
" It's no problem Mason, honestly I'm happy to make them for you and Hannah." Mrs. Fletcher responded
     We finished eating and left to shop for things I don't think I will buy anything I didn't really save enough for spending money I have like £100. I know it's not good but it's enough to go for plus Hannah said her mom can help because she knows my problems.
Hannah's pov
Dean is coming in today mom is going to pick him up while Mason and I are at Westfield. He is going to meet us there, going to Westfield is kinda a distraction cause there was nothing really else to do for Dean to meet up with us and not get lost.
So we were on our way there and my mom has some "errands" to run while Mason and I are going to look at something and talk ((I have no idea what is at Westfield sorry)). Thats the plan at least I hope it works out Mason would be happy with this but the surprise but the bad news following it won't be that great. She does have the week with Dean and I before he leaves though witch will be great to lighten things up a bit. This day is going to be interesting roll out!

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