Chapter 33

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Mason's Pov

I was sitting at my desk, doing homework while talking to April and Hannah on Skype helping each other out with small things on our different homework.

"Wouldn't it just be easier if I subtracted 3a on both sides of the equation to isolate b?" April said slightly confused.

"It would be yes, then you would substitute it, put the negative 3a plus 7 in where you see b on the second equation and when you get what a equals plug that back in to b equals -3a plus 7 to get both a and b." Hannah explained to April.

"You two have fun with math for awhile I'm going to get something to eat." I said while closing my book and getting up.

"See ya in a bit," they both said.

As I was walking down the stairs I heard a lot of yelling. Who could be at home to be yelling? Vikk is recording something with Rob, JJ is out doing who knows what, no one was over or I would of heard the door, so that leaves Simon and Josh. Which is odd considering they both told me they were going out to get food like ten minutes before. As I was getting closer to the bottom of first set of stairs I can hear what they are yelling about.

"I honestly don't understand how you can live with her here! She has caused so many problems with our schedules it's insane!" I assumed Simon yelled.

"What you you mean 'how can I live with her here' she has effects all of us and kept us at a normal sleeping pattern! Even Vikk and he is normally on Australian sleeping pattern!" Josh shot back at Simon.

"She causes so many messes everywhere like have you seen the bathroom that we share! Her stuff is covering just about everything there!"

"Bullshit! She has kept this entire house almost spotless clean and I've been in that bathroom the only thing there that is hers is her toothbrush."

"She is so loud when she wakes up and gets 'ready for school' she is worse than JJ rapping at four in the morning!"

"Only because she is rushing to get ready because she has been up late at night helping us with sidemen clothing! Not to mention her school work keeping her up late at night!"

"Why are we even paying extra bills for her! You should have never adopted her or let Vikk try and save her, she is better off with her real parents! Oh wait! Her parents are dead, fuck knows where her brother is and her foster parents are in jail! So I guess we are stuck with some one that is a burden to live with until she can move out."

I was half way down the last flight of stairs and already crying. I threw my phone on the stairs so they couldn't call or track me, grabbed my shoes and ran out the door. Slamming the door not caring if Josh or someone is running after me I don't care where I end up just not at the house. After awhile of running I stumbled a pon a park. Looking around before entering the park I don't know my surroundings, I'm lost. It beats being shouted at I guess.

I walked into the park and found a nice tree to sit under a tree and just break down. Processing everything that Simon said while balling out crying isn't a good idea. After awhile of crying (I lost track of time probably like 20 minutes) I hear foot steps approaching me. I glance up a bit to see...



Sorry for the shorter update but I will most likely update again before Halloween and that one would be longer than this one.

Also I didn't really want to make Simon the bad guy but I felt like he should have a better purpose in the story so a bad guy he is also no hate to him I really like him as a person. Till next time


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