Chapter 9

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I covered my neck quickly “Oh nothing.”

Aimee chuckled “They look like hickeys!”

Alex spit the drink he had in his mouth all over the table. I busted out laughing so hard I was crying. I wish I recorded it and could replay it. It was just so funny. Jack joined me laughing. Matt did find it funny but he was giving me a look that confirmed I had to explain it all. Alex laughed awkwardly but was busy wiping off the table.

I stuttered “Oh those...”

Aimee smirked “Let me guess you and Alex had fun?”

This time it was Jack to spit out his drink. Alex and I both looked at each other and started laughing. Matt even joined in. We all knew she probably believe Alex and I had a thing. Jack coughed frantically trying to catch his breath. I couldn’t even begin to explain my thoughts then. How could I explain I had a one night stand and not know who I got the hickeys from. Matt would be disappoint for sure.

Alex put his arm around me “How did you guess?”

Aimee squealed “No way! I knew it! You two just seemed to have chemistry!”

Matt chuckled slightly as he walked out. I knew he would ask later but for now I got off the hook. I watch Jack seem upset. I’ll admit it was weird acting like Alex and I were together. We knew it would be easier to just go along with it then try to deny it and her set us up.

I stood up totally not liking the game anymore. I didn’t want to be in a pretend relationship I wanted to be in a real one and with Jack. I walked towards the back lounge.

I heard Alex sigh “I’ll check on her. Make sure she’s okay. You know gotta be a good boyfriend...”

Aimee squealed “Of course! Go ahead!”

I threw myself onto the couch face first. I just wanted to forget this all. I will admit it is easier to act like Alex and I are together but I hated Jack’s reaction. I kept picturing his upset facial expression and it just crushed me even more. I felt someone plop down next to me.

I sighed “Go away.”

Alex chuckled “Now honey that’s no way to talk to your boyfriend.”

I sat up “Alex...”

He chuckles “I know you don’t like me like that and trust me you’re pretty but I don’t think of you that way either. Jack would choke me if I did...”

“Well now he thinks we’re dating.”

“He knows we’re just telling Aimee that.”

“How do you know?”

“I don’t but I know Jack. He really likes you. He told me about last night...”

“Can you tell me about last night? I have no idea what happened... I am totally blanking...”

He chuckled “Jack kissed you. Then you two apparently got in the shower together or something along those lines. You left the bathroom in Jack’s shirt and went to bed I think. He didn’t elaborate much on how it ended.”

It all made sense and it all came back to me. I remember our hungry hands flew shedding clothes. I remember him backing me into the shower wall. Every detail came back and I remember the whole thing.

I gasped “I remember it. I remember all of it.”

Alex sighed “Now what?”

I threw myself back on the couch “I have no idea. Get rid of Aimee?”

He chuckled “Tried it... No luck.”

“I guess I am just stuck with her...”

“Not necessarily... Jack might be willing to get rid of her if he thought there was any chance with you.”

I shrugged “At this point I doubt it.”

He sighed “You have to have faith...”

“If only it was that simple...”

The Surprise In Life (Originally You're Giving Me Such A Rush)Where stories live. Discover now