Chapter 4

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He smiled widely “Ava!”

He walked over to me pulling me into a tight hug. I was so excited to see him I couldn’t help but cry. He literally was the one person I couldn’t help but miss. He means so much to me. He wasn’t just my brother; he’s my best friend.

He rubbed my back gently “It’s okay. I’m so glad you’re here!”

I pulled away gently rubbing under my eyes “Sorry, I’m being a baby. I’m just happy to see you. It feels like its been forever.”

He smiled “It has.”

He turned to the guys turning serious “Now who got her here?

Jack looked around trying not to look suspicious. He was caught after Alex laughed and pointed to him.

Matt sighed “Jack! I told you not to go through my phone!”

Jack chuckled “But you wanted her here! You can’t tell me you aren’t glad she’s here.”

Matt walked over to him pulling him into a manly hug “I am. Thank you.”

I was shocked how happy Matt was that I was here. I sat down getting comfortable. It didn’t take long for the party to get in full swing. Drinks were poured, music was played, and stories were shared. It was fun catching up with Matt and hearing stories from the guys. They were all so funny. I felt an attachment to Jack the most though. I think Aimee felt the same. She was practically attached to his hip the while night. By the end of the night I was just ready for bed.

I got up saying my goodbyes. I planned on joining the guys tomorrow to see them perform and watch Matt at work. As I was getting ready to leave I noticed how comfortable Aimee was with Jack. She leaned over giving him a sloppy kiss. I felt disgusted watching her continue to kiss him. I knew it was too good to be true. I felt sick to my stomach walking back to my hotel room. Once I got there I plopped on my bed hoping the slightly buzz I had from the drinks I had would knock me out. Sadly sleep didn’t find me that easily. I laid awake for a couple hours thinking about Jack and Aimee before sleep finally found me around 5 am.

Someone banged on my door loudly. I jumped up looking at the clock. It read ‘7:45 am.’ I groaned walking to the door. Matt stood there with Jack smiling.

I glared “What?”

He chuckled “Morning to you too.”

I stared at him like he had three heads. They both laughed slightly walking into my room.

Matt looked around my room “Damn you sure haven’t changed much. This room is a mess. Get your stuff together we leave in 30 minutes.”

I blinked trying to figure out what he was saying “What?”

Jack chuckled “We leave New York in 30 minutes. You have to get your stuff packed so we can leave.”

“What? Why?”

Matt sighed “This game is no longer fun. Just pack. Jack, can you stay and help her?”

Jack nodded as Matt walked out the door.

Jack looked over at me “Wanna get dressed then I’ll help you pack your stuff?”

I nodded grabbing the first outfit I saw in my bag. I took my time changing and brushing my hair/teeth. When I walked back out my stuff was neatly packed in my bag that was on my bed. My room didn’t look nearly as bad as it did 10 minutes before. I looked at Jack who was laying on my bed watching tv.

He smiled “You look nice.”

I looked down at my denim shorts, white tank top, and gladiator sandals. It was very simple but I enjoyed the outfit.

I smiled “Thanks. Thank you for helping with my stuff. You pretty much did everything for me.”

He chuckled “It was no big deal.”

He stood up turning off the TV. He walked over picking up my bag as he headed toward the door. I quickly grabbed my purse and followed him towards the door.

He smiled slightly “That’s a nice necklace you have there.”

I smiled gently running my fingers over the emerald “Thanks. I like it too.”

“It matches your eyes. I love your eye color.”

I giggled slightly “Thanks.”

We walked together down the hall towards the elevator. Once we entered the elevator it got quiet. I couldn’t help myself I had to ask about Aimee.

I broke the silence “So Aimee?”

He sighed “Yeah... She’s something else...”

I shook my head “That’s not what I meant...”

He shook his head “I know what you meant... Yeah Aimee and I...”

I sighed “Oh cool.”

He looked down “Yup...”

Luckily the doors to the elevator shot open and other people got on making it not so uncomfortable. I let out a sigh of relief. Once we finally reach the lobby everyone was waiting on us. Aimee joined Jack quickly causing me to work my way towards Matt and Alex. I didn’t want to watch them be all over each other while I just stood there. 

The Surprise In Life (Originally You're Giving Me Such A Rush)Where stories live. Discover now