Chapter 3

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 He broke the silence “So about the... party...”

I nodded “How about we go get a drink to discuss it?”

He smirked “Are you asking me out?”

I blushed slightly “No...”

He chuckled “I was kidding. Let’s go.”

I grabbed my purse and room key following Jack out. The planning was simple. Jack and the guys did pretty much everything. They needed me to set up while they performed. They also thought it would be a nice surprise to Matt for me to be there. Jack and I were having fun sitting in the bar drinking and talking. One drink led into another, then another. 7 drinks later I felt I had no control anymore. I was so far gone I couldn’t even begin to explain what happened.

I woke up to the sunshine coming in through my hotel room window. I groaned rolling over trying to get as much sleep as I could. After 10 minutes of tossing and turning I gave up and sat up. I noted how trashed my room was already. There was wine bottles scattered throughout the room, wrappers from snacks and varieties of candies. My dress laid directly in the middle of the floor along with my bra, underwear and boots. I panicked not remembering taking them off. I panicked even more when I saw the pair of men’s socks and necklace laying on the nightstand.

I quickly searched the room finding myself alone. Did I sleep with someone and not remember it? Did I have a one nightstand and the guy bail already. I hopped in the shower hoping to forget it all. As I was getting dressed I caught sight of hickeys that covered my neck and shoulder blades in the mirror. All the evidence confirmed I did in fact have a one night stand. I sighed leaning against the wall trying to remember details from last night only to get disappointed.

I put the stranger’s necklace on liking the simple black suede leather with a emerald triangular charm on the end. I smiled liking the way it matched my eye color. Whomever it belonged to had very nice taste in jewelry.

Most of the day flew by quickly. Soon enough I had to set up the tour bus for Matt’s party. Jack gave me specific directions on when to get on the bus, how to get on the bus, how it should look, who can come on the bus, etc. As I started hanging up streamers the door opened. I froze mid taping. Soon enough Aimee came into view.

Aimee laughed “You should’ve seen your face!”

I faked a laugh “I thought you were Matt!”

She looked confused. There’s no way she didn’t know Matt. I mean he’s always with the guys. I literally have to beg Matt to come home to hang when he’s off because he’s always with them.

I continued “My brother...”

That didn’t seem to change the confusion on her face.

“Their tour manager. Tall, skinny, dark hair, looks like he needs to shave. Obsessed with Mickey Mouse?”

She nodded still looking confused “I don’t know him.”

“How could you not know him? He’s like always with the guys.”

She shrugged “I’ve never seen him.”

I sighed moving on “Well I have to decorate the place before their show is over.”

She nodded “That’s why I’m here. Jack said you might need help.”

I nodded “Sure can you help hang these.”

Within 5 minutes I told Aimee to just try to help by doing something else because she was no help at all. She was no help when it came to decorating.

Once I was finally done I sat down admiring my work. Their once plain tour bus was covered in streamers, confetti, and mickey mouse. I had to admit it looked similar to how you would decorate for a four year old’s birthday. I couldn’t help but laugh at how much this made me miss my brother. He always knew how to make me laugh and he was just totally goofy.

Aimee looked at me like I was crazy “Are you okay? Why you laughing?”

I shook my head “Nothing. It’s nothing...”

Before she could ask any more questions Jack and another guy came on the bus. Jack ran towards me. My eyes went wide as he pushed me behind him telling me to be quiet. The other guy stood next to him trying to play it cool.

Jack whispered “That’s Alex. He’s in the band.”

Alex nodded in my direction. He, I recognized from pictures my brother has. He’s the one I’m pretty sure Matt would hate for me to hang with. He’s suppose to be nothing but trouble well atleast according to Matt.

I heard his voice as he walked on the bus. I could hear the happiness as he complimented the decorations.

“Guys this is awesome! How did you even do all this?”

Aimee raised her hand from the couch. Which cause me to get angry. Jack must have sensed it because he spoke up.

“Actually we had help from someone...”

Matt chuckled “And who would that be?”

Jack and Alex moved revealing me to Matt.

The Surprise In Life (Originally You're Giving Me Such A Rush)Where stories live. Discover now