Chapter 2

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I wasn’t sure how long I would be staying or anything so I just figured I would pack for the possibility of staying for a couple days. I knew a week wouldn’t impact my social life with my friends too much. Within a half an hour my bag was ready.

It was 3 o’clock when my doorbell rang. I sighed moving my bag to the couch and running to the door. A tall blonde stood in front of me. She was simply beautiful. Her eyes almost looked violet in the lighting. Her boobs were clearly fake popping out of the top of her shirt. She wore tight light wash daisy dukes that hugged her thighs. Her hair was in loose curls that fell right past her shoulders. She made me insecure standing in my polo and tan pants.

She eyed me up “You plan on wearing that?”

I stuttered “Uh no?”

She chuckled “Good.”

She pushed her way past me making her way into my apartment. She walked straight for my bedroom. I was so stunned I wasn’t sure how to react. I quickly ran after her.

“Excuse me... I don’t even know who the hell you are!”

She turned to face me “I’m Aimee, Jack told me to come get you.”

I nodded being caught up “Oh...”

She walked back to my closet continuing to look. Finally she found something she liked. She pulled out a quarter length sleeve, gray short dress. The dress had a deep v neck and I usually wore it out to parties we had around the campus.

She smirked “Bring this!”

She grabbed a bag tossing it in. She completely re-packed my bag for me. Then she grabbed a Dark Purple long sleeve cotton casual mini dress.

“Put this on!”

I felt unsure but followed her directions. I walked into my bathroom quickly changing. For some reason I trust her and did as she said. I opened the door slowly seeing her sitting on my bed waiting patiently.

She smiled “Much better!”

She passed me short black heeled boots “Now you’re ready to go.”

I picked up my bag heading towards the door but I noticed she didn’t move.

I turned back towards her “What now?”

She circled me slowly before stopping along side me. I got slightly nervous trying to figure out what she was doing. A second later I felt my chestnut hair fall from its once messy bun.

She smiled “Now we can go.”

I took a quick look in the mirror feeling good about myself.

She walked over grabbing my arm “Come on! We have to head out. It will take forever if we don’t leave now. I wanna go out clubbing when we get there.”

To be completely honest I don’t remember much of the ride except how recklessly Aimee drove. She asked a bunch of personal questions which seemed never ending. By the time we got there all I wanted to do was drink and I mean a lot.

We walked into our hotel checking in. I just wanted to escape Aimee for a little bit so I headed up to my room to be alone. Right as I sat my bag down and plopped down on my bed there was a knock at the door.

I sighed yelling “I can’t have just one moment alone for 30 seconds! Aimee, if that’s you I swear I’ll kick your ass.”

I opened the door seeing a tall, lanky man standing in front of me. I don’t usually go for skinny guys but there was something different about him. He had mocha brown eyes, blonde and black hair that was pulled into a slight Mohawk. He had a smile formed widely on his face. One look in his eyes and my knees went weak.

I held onto the door for support “Yes?”

He chuckled “Ava?”

I nodded recognizing his voice quickly “Jack?”

He nodded laughing. He was not what I imagined. I also didn’t picture myself being attracted to him. My heart felt like it was going to burst out of my chest right there in front of him. We awkwardly stood there for five minutes without saying anything. I watched him check me out and slightly lick his lips. I bit my lip nervously trying not to think about how attractive he was. I felt chemistry flowing through us and we didn’t even really know anything about each other. 

The Surprise In Life (Originally You're Giving Me Such A Rush)Where stories live. Discover now