Chapter 9- Border Guards

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Chapter 9- Border Guards

We park a few blocks away from the border.

I shake Ellie and Lucy awake.

"We're here."

They grunt but get out of the car.

As we approach farther, I can see two strong, muscled guys standing in front of a fence. And two more on the other side.


We walk straight up to them.

"Excuse me, um, children-"

I cut him off.

"We are NOT children." I sneer.

He seems taken aback. Once he gets over his shock, he narrows his eyes at me.

"You have no business being here." He says, surprisingly calm.

"Look, you don't understand. There's something I need." I trail my finger down his arm.

He says nothing.

"And I have to go past you, so I can get it. And then we will be on our way." I put a hand on his chest.

I swivel my head around.

Alex looks as if he could rip this mans head off, because I'm touching him.

I wink at him and turn back to the man.

"Look, girl, I'm sure you can get it another way."

"Nope." I say defiantly.

"You aren't getting past me."

I growl deep in my throat and drop kick  

the man, hitting him square in his chest, making him stumble backwards.

He gets angry and lunges at me, only for me to dodge out of the way.

The other guards are hurrying to help their friend, but mine beat them.

They each take on a guard, dodging and throwing punches.

I like to kick.

I kick the guard right in his man area.

He doubles over in pain.

I take this to my advantage and grab him by the hair, pulling him back up.

I knee him again in the same spot, and he once again bends over.

I knee him in the face and kick his side.

He collapses onto the ground, attempting to kick me back.

I'm too quick and dodge all the kicks, and kick him back. Several times.

I look around to find my friends handling the other guards quite well.

When they are all on the ground in pain, we climb over the fence and hop down.

We start to head west, on our way to the train station.


As I promised, this had a little action in there! Hope you enjoyed!

E-mail with any comments/questions you have!


Xoxo, Kitty<3

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