2. Vampire City

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Vampire City
The picture above is a picture of Zero.
[Yuuichiro/Yuu's POV]

This was a vampire city.

Filled with vampires. And humans. Whom they treat as livestock.

"Hyakuya Yuuichiro." I say to the vampire who was checking for attendance.

He motioned for me to go ahead as I strode past him. I wish I could get out of here. But it wouldn't mean anything if I was all alone.

I turned around as it was Mika's turn.

"Hyakuya Mikaela."

The vampire shooed him on and we together walked into the castle common area. They actually use the area to suck blood out from our bodies.

Not all of our blood of course.

It's in return for "protection" from the deadly monsters and disease that's spreading outside this city.

When I first came here, I thought about the outside world a lot.


The thought hardly ever crosses my mind.

"Let's go," Mika smiled as we stepped into the common area.


They say the disease effects those over the age of 12 or 13.

We're one year away from that. Me and Mika. Akane's two years away... And Shio... I haven't heard or seen her since the day we arrived in this wretched place. Though, Ryohei, her brother came over here once.

He told us she was a few houses down. But for some reasons she lived alone.

"Lay down." The vampire in charge of me ordered as I glared at him, reluctantly laying down.

The second I did, he stabbed a needle through the black cloth around my neck, and withdrew my blood.


"Protection...?!"I said as I kicked a rock down the set of small stairs Mika was sitting on.

"Don't get so upset every time, Yuu-Chan." Mika smiled as he drank the protein drink they gave us each time they withdrew our blood.

'For healthier blood'.

Disgusting vampires.

I groaned and sat down beside Mika as we spotted some kids in the way of two vampires, the kids were completely unaware.

"Those idiots-!" I said running over as one of the vampires stepped on the kid's hand.

The kid yelped in pain and I stood in front of the vampire, glaring at him, my hands in fists.

"Move." He said, pushing me aside.

That was it. "Apologize! Not to me but the kid!"

The vampire glared at me and swiftly grabbed my throat and put me over the edge as Mika rushed over.

"Livestock is speaking? I think not." The vampire said with an edge to his voice.

"Guys guys! I'm so sorry, this ones a little hotheaded, but we wouldn't want to lose blood, right?" Mika said calmly and apologetically.

Different World [✔️] #1 REWRITING 12/16/17Where stories live. Discover now