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~~This chapter takes place where Jeremy is getting drunk at the Lockwood mansion and Leah can't stop him due to the Traveler Magic Border. This is when Alaric (now human) forces Jeremy to go spar against Leah to get out his frustrations) (BTW: I was listening to this song during this chapter in case you need to get in the mood for this chapter)

"Come on Hunter!!! All that alcohol is starting to make you sloppy." I yelled where Jeremy wasn't too enthused by my attitude, he was being distant ever since Bonnie and Damon disappeared along with the Other Side.

"You know I really didn't want to be here, I'm only here because you can't be over there so deal with my sloppiness." Jeremy hissed I could see that he was definitely angry about Bonnie lying to him about coming back, I felt guilty for Bonnie but Liv broke the spell before it could be finished. Bonnie was supposed to be here not me and Jeremy is supposed to be happy with her. "Besides with the Traveler magic up no vampire can enter Mystic Falls, so why do I need to train?"

"Because that spell can be disabled one day and when it is you have to be prepared to fight again. Now come at me." I reminded Jeremy was now very frustrated, he gripped the stake into his hand and charged at me I promised not to use my speed against him. I dodged his swing where he spun around slamming the stake into my side, I dropped to my knees and grabbed it into my grasp.

"There happy?" he snottily replied I pulled the stake from my side pulling it out and using my strength to grab his jaw with my hands almost like I was going to snap his neck.

"You missed the heart...I could snap your neck and you will be dead. You know that the stake to my heart can't kill me anymore unless it's white oak so why didn't you do it?" I asked holding my grip on his neck, Jeremy barely moved trying to break my grip.

"Just do it! Snap my neck then I will be free from this pain...." Jeremy gasped I went wide eyed and released my grip from his neck shocked.

"What the hell is wrong with you Jere? You know I wouldn't do that?" I answered Jeremy turned around I could see the pain in his face, I knew he missed Bonnie but I didn't know how bad he had gotten. 

"You would be doing me a favor...Bonnie brought me back Leah and she died to do it. She's gone Leah, she promised me that she would make it through this and she didn't." Jeremy exclaimed I was still shocked that Jeremy wanted me to end his pain for him. "What I would give to flip it off like you can switch and no more pain, no more sadness and no more emotions." 

"Jere you know what happened if you switched it off, you would regret everything you would do with no emotions. What would Bonnie say if she saw you like this?" I gasped Jeremy turned throwing the stake he had in his hand and it hit me in the shoulder. I grabbed it feeling pain surge through me as I pulled it out of my arm with ease.

"Don't pretend you care about me don't so stop it." Jeremy yelled he continued to walk away and I vampiric sped after him. I caught up with him just as he was crossing over the border that I was forced to stop from crossing.

"Jeremy Gilbert!!!!" I screamed he turned I could see the anger in my face but he knew I couldn't cross the border.

"Just leave me alone Leah..." he replied I was shocked that he said those words to me, how he could think I didn't care about him and I was going to prove it him.

"You think I don't care about you Jere? I'll prove it." I answered I took in a deep breath and stepped over the border line feeling the sun scorching my skin like I was on fire again. I could feel my lungs burn and my skin melting away. 

"Leah get back over the border..." Jeremy replied I shook my head feeling my body hurt now, I took another step towards him when I could feel my head hurt now. Then an image past through my eyes, I was looking at the city of Paris on top of the Notre Dame de Paris which looked like the early centuries. Then a familiar face that is still haunting me even in the grave, even with the Other Side gone and I tightened my eyes closed trying to push the face from my mind. "LEAH!!!" I felt Jeremy's body collide into mine pushing back over the border, everything stopped burning inside me and I was looking at Jeremy covered in burns.

"Tell me again...that I don't care..." I coughed feeling my lungs starting to heal slowly and Jeremy gasped heavily with fear in his eyes for almost losing his best friend. He moved me far from any view of humans into the woods plopping me onto a rock while I was slowly healing. 

"Here you need blood?" Jeremy answered offering me his showing me his arm, I declined his blood I wasn't going to drink from him.

"I'll be fine...will you?" I asked Jeremy lowered his head in defeat where he looked up at me like I was stupid for what I did.

"Just don't do that again...." Jeremy begged I looked at him chuckling slightly still in pain from stepping over the border.

"As long as you don't force me to do it." I replied he nodded and left short after with me heading back to the mansion. I grabbed a blood packet sipping it to heal myself but there was only one thought going through my mind, what was that vision I saw? There was only one thing I was sure about, that was that I never been to Paris ever in the 1000 years of my immortal life. If the vision was true then why was I standing on top of the Notre Dame and more importantly why didn't I remember it?