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I laid Leah back onto the bed, I had to break her neck to stop her from trying to kill me and I could see by the werewolf bite it was getting worse. It was only a few more hours until it will be too late, I was running out of options but surrendering to Klaus wasn't one of them. I watched Leah's eyes start to roll around almost like she was having a bad dream or something. I moved towards her sitting on the edge of the bed when her eyes flicked open and she jolted forward in sheer panic on her face. She was dripping with sweat from both of the werewolf bite and probably from the nightmare she must have had.

"Leah...? It's okay it's me." I smiled taking her shoulders giving her a smile, she gasped with relief before pinning her back to the bed. She was still in the towel; I just put my jacket over her body to keep her warm.

"Tyler? I'm sorry for trying to attack you." She apologized I shook my head at her keeping a smile on my face to reassure her that I was fine.

"It wasn't should change into something other than a towel." I suggested she glanced down seeing the towel and looked back up agreeing. She sat up moving towards her bag pulling out a red tank top and a fresh pair of jeans before turning to look at me.

"Do you mind turning around?" she replied I gasped turning my back to her so she could change; I was staring at the horrible wallpaper that was placed onto these walls.

"Are you okay? It looked like you were having a horrible dream?" I wondered trying to keep my eyes locked on the walls so I wouldn't turn around.

"More like reliving a bad memory of my past..." she replied I remembered that Elijah told me that Leah had a rough few centuries during the 1000 years she had been a vampire. "Okay I'm done." I turned back around seeing her fully clothed, her hair was pulled back into a bun and she sat back onto the bed.

"Is it when you spent two and a half centuries with Kol?" I asked she pinned her back to the wall and she could only nod at me seeing her tense up by saying Kol's name.

"The two and a half centuries of hell, I was forced to go live with Kol while Elijah was daggered by Klaus because Elijah saved me from becoming a sacrifice. I almost turned into a Ripper while Kol slaughtered and turned humans when we crossed paths with through each country we spent time in. Kol at first was nice to me but when I arrived in Spain with him it was like he flipped a switch on his personality. He was ruthless, arrogant, narcissistic, and cunning with everything he did. After I spent those centuries with Kol my entire life changed as you probably noticed." Leah started I could feel my hands grip the comforter almost sensing that the worse part of the story was coming. I remembered how tense Leah was with physical contact with any of us. Then Kol was un-daggered she became very distant and protective over Jeremy when Kol wanted to kill him. "Kol always got what he wanted with compulsion, whether it was for blood or whether it was for sex he got it. When Elijah was finally freed and rescued me I was close to flipping the switch." I felt my nails digging them into the comforter watching her skin go completely white and her vampiric eyes were coming again. I grabbed the blood packet handing it to her as she drained it but I could tell that she was almost out of time.

"Leah...?" I gripped her shoulder seeing the bite has spread throughout her body it was only a matter of time now.

"I'm running out of time..." she coughed revealing some blood in her mouth I grabbed some tissues from the bathroom handing it to her to wipe her mouth with.

"I'm going to call Elijah...You're going to be alright just close your eyes and relax." I smiled moving towards the door, I exited the motel room in order to call Elijah while she rested. I dialed Elijah's cell phone number from Leah's phone waiting for him to answer.

"Leah...?" Elijah answered within a single ring, I could sense the panic and the pain in his voice I never thought an Original especially Elijah would do.

"It's Tyler...Leah's running out of time the bite has spread to her chest and neck. She wants you here." I exclaimed I could hear a soft voice on the other side of the phone but I couldn't tell who it was.

"I'm on my way..." he answered hanging up without another word, I opened the door slowly placing her phone on the dresser seeing she was resting uncomfortably."I'm sorry Leah but I can't let Klaus get away with what he has done to me. I hope that you can find peace." I shut the door, it hurt to do this to Leah but I already lost so much already I can't back away now. I entered the city seeing a familiar face exit one of the shops; it was my ex-friend Hayley Marshall. I could see that she was looking different; she was concealing a bump on her stomach underneath her clothes. She's pregnant and if she's here then it has something to do with the Mikaelsons, the scent on her was familiar it was of Klaus. I semi smiled Klaus you took everyone away from me including Leah and now I will take something away from you; your baby.