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~~This chapter is based on the episode Home of the The Vampire Diaries Season 5 Finale~~

The Traveler inside Tyler killed Stefan; I tried to stop him but the Travelers captured him in order to prove something. I followed them staying hidden when Markos and Sheriff Liz Forbes watched as Tyler was pushed over the Mystic Falls border that the Travelers created an Anti Magic Border. Any supernatural being will lose their powers to the point of losing them and if you were a vampire or hybrid then you will return to the point you were turned, dead. I watched Tyler scream and his neck snapped as his body flopped to the floor dead causing me to gasp. He was dead; Stefan was dead, Stefan Salvatore and Tyler Lockwood were dead and the Travelers were going to pay. 


Jeremy and Matt were working with Damon on a plan to kill all of the Travelers, Elena and Caroline were tracking down Liv and Luke before they left Mystic Falls and I was heading to find Bonnie at the Whitmore College Dorm. I was clutching a letter in one pocket of my jacket and a slip of paper in the other pocket because every move I made I could hear the sounds of the paper creak against my chest. I entered the house seeing Stefan's dead body was moved to the Salvatore crypt for the time being and I saw Bonnie was chatting with someone probably a ghost. 

"Bonnie....can I talk to you alone?" I asked she looked over nodding I waited for a moment so all of the ghosts to leave around her. Bonnie moved forward when she saw the look of pain entered my face, I bet she could read what I was  thinking.

"Leah...I'm sorry about Tyler." she whispered I nodded I will admit it did cut inside my heart to have said everything I said to Tyler when I left him in New Orleans and now he was gone.

"Jeremy told me you had a plan to bring everyone back?" I started she nodded a slight nod which I could see the look of worry in her face almost like she knew something I didn't. 

"I have a ghost finding a Traveler to get the spell I need to allow them to resurrect. I will make sure Tyler comes through okay...?" she reassured I sighed sharply I knew the spell she was talking about and I remembered the effect it had on Bonnie it almost killed her.

"I'm not worried about that...I'm worried about what it's going to do to you." I answered she looked taken back by my words almost like she didn't know that I knew. 

"What do you mean?" she asked almost like she was brushing it off, I looked up sighing sharply feeling my heart pound against my chest.

"Bonnie...I was a witch once upon a time so don't play dumb with me. I know this spell will kill you in the process. Once that last person is brought back you will die and be taken by the other side too. I also know you didn't tell Jeremy about this either, which is why I have a better plan that involves keeping you here with us." I explained she looked up at me I stuffed my hand into my pocket and handed her the slip of paper, she opened it and quickly read it to herself.

"Phasmatos Tribum Melan Veras Raddiam Onu Pavadus Ponemus....this is a life linking spell I used on Jonathan Gilbert and Elena during the Sun and Moon sacrifice." she remembered because it was her spell that she did a while ago.

"Correct...I will have Liv link my life with yours. Once the spell is finished you will temporarily die and then I will die, you will awake and I will be taking your place when the other side disappears." I exclaimed the look of shocked washed over her like I hit her across the face.

"Leah? Why...would you do this?" she asked I could tell she was about to cry but she was sucking the tears back into her eyes.

"I'm 1000 years old Bon, I lived a long long life and you deserve a chance to live a long life with Jeremy. I can't let Jeremy lose another person in his life, he loves you Bonnie and it will destroy him that you are gone." I exclaimed she stood there almost like she was frozen in that shocked expression she had on her face. 

"Jeremy can't lose you're his best friend and don't you think it will destroy him that you did this?" she asked I looked down sighing for a moment and then I looked up at her I knew Jeremy was going to lose it once he realizes my plan.    

"I left Jeremy a letter to find in his sketch book, when he's finally done grieving you can tell him to go read it. Until then do not tell him about this." I smiled I turned to leave for the stairs to put the letter into his sketch book I saved the day Elena sat the house on fire. I slipped the note in the one picture Jeremy drew of me and closed the book with it inside. I closed the book seeing on his desk was a few pictures; one of him and his family, one of Bonnie and him and one with me and him. "I'm sorry Jeremy." I began my descent down the stairs when I nearly ran into Bonnie who was waiting for me to say something else.

"You're doing this because you love him aren't you?" she asked I froze by the front door holding the doorknob tightly in my hand. "Does he know that you do?"

"Not anymore..." I whispered just low enough so she could hear me and I remembered when Jeremy admitted that he did and because I was scared that he would die I compelled him to forget. "I'll meet you at the cemetery." I pulled the door open, walking out the door without another word and left her stunned behind me.