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I knew Klaus had done a lot of terrible things to Leah except she lived with him and the rest of the Mikaelsons for almost a thousand years.

"You remember the sun and the moon curse? Well when Niklaus tried to break it was during the time of Katerina Petrova or Katherine, the second Doppleganger, was around. Do you remember what the spell requires Tyler?" Elijah asked I remembered last year when Klaus used Elena as the Petrova Doppelganger, used her Aunt Jenna for the vampire and Jules for the werewolf parts. Katherine was going to use Caroline and I originally before we were saved Damon.

"The sacrifice of a vampire, a werewolf and the Petrova Doppelganger over the moonstone that my Uncle Mason kept for Katherine." I answered Elijah nodded and my thoughts finally caught up with what Elijah meant. "Wait...?"

"That's right, he planned to use Leah as the vampire in the sacrifice. I couldn't allow that so I made the only choice I had. I sent her to Kol, I hoped he would protect her while Klaus daggered me for betraying him but I was wrong." Elijah exclaimed my stomach went into knots, I remembered how frightened she was of Kol and how relieved she was when Jeremy plunged that white oak stake into his heart.

"She spent two and a half centuries with that homicidal maniac? How could you let her stay with him?" I started seeing Elijah's entire body tense up before his original vampiric speed sped towards me grabbing his throat and pinning me to the wall.

"Homicidal or not he was my brother." Elijah started squeezing his grip on my throat growling with fangs starting to bear under his gums. I felt my fangs starting to push through my gums as my brown eyes were starting to become gold."There was no other way, Rebekah wouldn't cross Niklaus, Finn was daggered and she wouldn't be strong enough alone if Niklaus went after her once I was daggered. Kol would protect her and Niklaus wouldn't harm Kol no matter how murderous he was in the past."

"Elijah....? Tyler....?" we both heard Leah's hoarse voice replied, we retracted our fangs before Elijah released my throat from his grasp. Elijah moved over towards her as I stood with my back still against the wall watching them.

"How bad is it sweetheart?" Elijah asked taking Leah's hand into his and I watched him smile towards her, she really meant something to him and he really meant everything to her.

"The hunger is starting...the hallucinations have been going on." Leah answered Elijah took the bag he had brought with him and unzipped it. Inside contained some blood bags, where he took one out and popped the top for her.

"The hunger will get out of control if you don't feed, I know I told you only a few sips but the bite will cause your bloodlust to become erratic. Better you feed on this then on the hybrid." Elijah smiled she began sipping the blood packet slowly and I could see some color returning to her face. Elijah stood up while she fed and turned to face me. "I have to go and speak with Niklaus. I will bring more blood packets later on tonight. You better have made your decision by daybreak tomorrow Tyler or you won't have Niklaus to worry about killing you anymore. I will kill you and I will have your heart in my hands like the others I've slaughtered to protect my daughter." I didn't say a word or move a muscle, he left a moment later leaving me and Leah alone. I did want to know more about what happened with Leah and Kol but I didn't want to push her to tell me.

"Is he always that strict when it comes to you?" I asked finally as Leah looked up at me still sweating from the bite.

"He's very protective over me, he has been like that for 1000 years." Leah answered I moved forward taking the empty blood bag and placing it on the side for her.

"Do you mind it I ask you something I find strange?" I started she looked up at me waiting for me to ask, that light blue color of her eyes was starting to lighten up in color. "Most vampires die within 24 hours of being bitten but Klaus you had two days?"

"Age plays a big factor in that, I'm nearly 1000 years old so it takes a little longer. Great for me I get to suffer longer than the others." Leah replied I felt like that was a stake to my heart, Klaus was using Leah to stop me on my quest but the sooner I fix this then it will be easier to have my vengeance. "I heard Elijah was starting to tell you my past...I guessed he left off when I was sent to stay with Kol."

"Yes but I don't want to push you to tell me." I answered she smirked slightly coughing, I looked at the wound on her shoulder seeing it was looking more and more infected with each passing hour.

"Kol's's not like he can do anything to me now." she reminded I nodded agreeing that was true but I didn't want the pain to make this worse for her.

"If you want to tell me then you may otherwise I can wait for Elijah..." I suggested Leah shrugged and began to stand up from the bed. "Where are you going?"

"To shower if you don't mind." Leah replied I looked at her but she moved past me entering the bathroom and shutting the door behind her. Klaus you are going to pay for everything you have done; first with my mother then with Caroline and now with Leah. I will plunge that white oak stake deep into your heart and watch the light vanish from your eyes, if I have to die along with you then so be it.