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I came to grabbing my neck with my one hand moving it around causing it to crack; I can't believe that Leah snapped my neck. I glanced around seeing no sign of Leah anywhere in the entire motel room; I slammed my head down back onto the pillow when I felt my cell phone vibrate in my pocket. I grabbed my phone seeing it was Leah calling me, I was pissed that she snapped my neck and now she was going to hear it.

"You're a bitch for snapping my neck Leah...." I started lifting my body off the bed swinging my legs over the edge still sitting.

"Oh I wouldn't worry too much about Leah there Tyler, it's me that you have to worry about." a familiar voice that caused my blood to boil inside my skin.

"Klaus..." I whispered tightening my grip on my phone hearing him laugh under his breath and I knew I had to save Leah. "Where is she?"

"Incapacitated for the moment whether she stays alive is up to you Tyler." he chuckled I could hear my heart pound louder and my blood was rushing through my veins.

"What do you want?" I asked trying to force myself not to give into Klaus's ego knowing he would love for me to do that.

"You will meet me at the bayou bridge area and you will choose whether you lust for vengeance is powerful enough to allow Leah to die. You have one hour to decide and meet me there, if you fail to do this then I will send you Leah's heart. Farewell Tyler." Klaus exclaimed cutting the call shortly after, I wanted to throw my phone against the wall but I knew I had to get to the bridge. I holstered a stake under my jacket and used my hybrid speed out of the motel room, heading towards the bridge.


I scanned the bridge where Klaus told him to meet him or he would kill Leah, I was filled with vengeance and wanted to kill Klaus. The only thing that stopped me was Leah; I couldn't let her die because of my anger.

"Hello Tyler." Klaus replied when I turned around I saw Leah in his arms with one hand holding her by her neck unable to move.

"You have me Klaus let her go." I answered trying to reassure Leah that I wasn't going to attack Klaus as long as he had her.

"You see I would but I know why your here Tyler. Little Leah came to my home and told me that you were here for my head and I can't have that. I gave you your freedom and I see you refused to take it. You could've been happy and let your anger go but you are stubborn hybrid. Like me." Klaus smiled I tightened my hands into fists I couldn't believe Leah went to Klaus to tell him I was coming for him.

"I am nothing like you. I never wanted to be like you but you turned me into this against my will. You killed my mother and went after Caroline after chasing me out of my home. I won't let you add Leah to the mix." I hissed confidently though I could see Klaus flashing the evil smile and then added his snickering laughter to it.

"Tyler, Tyler, Tyler you think I could kill my brothers sire?" He smirked sending a surprised look to my face having no idea what he meant,

"What are you taking about?" I asked where Klaus continued to smile before looking at Leah who looked ashamed by his words.

"Pity, you didn't tell him the truth?" Klaus laughed slightly before looking back at me as I stood frozen where I was. "Well Tyler, Leah here wasn't turned in the 1800's like she told you, she was turned by my brother Elijah in the 10th century a few years after we became vampires. She isn't 350 years old; she's 1000 just like me and my family. I will admit that her story is really heartbreaking almost would cause me to cry. Elijah saw potential in her and saved her life making her a vampire."

"So she was turned by Elijah that doesn't make a difference?" I hissed when Klaus tightened his grip on Leah's throat and my golden eyes starting to show.

"I wouldn't be sure because now you have a choice Tyler and you better make the right choice." Klaus smiled the grip got even tighter on Leah's throat, I wanted to lunge at him now ripping Leah free from his grip but I knew he rip her head off if I tried.

"What choice would that be?" I asked where I saw Klaus's blue eyes go the same golden color as mine were.

"To fight me and get your vengeance or save Leah's life." He smiled evilly before I could speak Klaus dug his werewolf fangs deep into Leah's neck sending a wince of pain into the wound. I tightened my hands into fists when Klaus removed his fangs from her throat. "Your choice Tyler." I watched as Klaus lifted a weakened Leah throwing her over the bridge into the deep bay below us. I rushed to the side seeing that Leah didn't resurface and she began to sink deep below.

"She'll die if she doesn't get your blood." I hissed feeling my fangs baring under my gums now as Klaus stood a good distance from me.

"By my bite she has two days for you to decide. If you surrender your fight I'll save her if not then she'll be dead and her life will be on your hands. Know Tyler I won't be the only one you need to worry about, my brother has an even worse temper to those who hurt his sires. Farewell Tyler." Klaus smiled disappearing when I dove over the bridge into the bay, swimming deep into the water searching for Leah in the water. I found her unconscious unmoving and hovering I scooped her body into my arms; I kicked up to the surface appearing above the water quickly. I swam to the grassy area letting Leah's head rest against my chest as I swam backwards. I pulled her to the grass area laying her down while I checked for her breathing, though she was a vampire I needed to push the water from her lungs. I took both of my hands together pressing onto her chest for her cough the water up. After a few times pushing onto her chest Leah managed to cough up a lung full of the bay water while I lifted her body into my arms and her head rested onto my lap.

"I'm so sorry Leah." I whispered moving her soaked hair from her forehead and saw the poisonous wound sending its venom through her body.

"I'm sorry for going to Klaus and for not telling you the truth." She coughed and I gave her a weak smile to reassure it was okay. I lifted her body into my arms with her head resting against my chest; I used my hybrid speed to get back us both back to the motel room.


I looked down at the both Tyler and Leah with a sly smile still perched onto my face, I then sensed a familiar presence behind me and I shook my head.

"Hello brother, I guess you sensed the disturbance from your almost dead sire." I replied when Elijah grabbed my throat silencing me seeing the dark veins streaming into my brother's brown eyes.

"How could you infect her?" He hissed I grabbed his arm with my hand twisting it freeing my throat from his grip.

"Don't worry brother, young Tyler will take my deal and will save her. I know he isn't willing to lose anyone else." I answered shoving my brother away from me and I knew Elijah wasn't too thrilled for me to use his sire in my plans.

"You better be right. If she dies then you on your own." Elijah answered disappearing in a huff and I smirked slightly.

"I'm always right." I answered turning my head seeing Tyler and Leah were gone and I sped away from the area.