Chapter 2

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Natasha's fist collided with the punch bag as she poured all her frustration, unable to get her mind off of last night's events. The kisses, the soft touches. Who knew that the world's greatest soldier could be so gentle. Never had she felt so delicate in another man's arms. Most wanted a rough play but she rarely let herself get as far, and yet with Steve, their bodies joined together like long lost pieces.

"Something on your mind Nat?" A familiar voice said from afar, interrupting her mental turmoil.

"It's nothing Clint," she muttered, wiping a bead of sweat from her forehead with the back of her wrapped hand.

"I know that look," the archer said, his brows furrowed as he approached her cautiously.

The assassin sighed and leaned into the punch bag, "I'm confused," she murmured. She could feel Clint's eyes on her as he waited patiently. "I've started having these feelings for a certain guy. It's nothing, just probably a little crush, something temporary."

"Nat," Clint said, his voice much closer, "You should let yourself fall in love, let someone care for you."

"But I won't give him what he'll want. I can't have children, we wouldn't be able to have a family," she spoke shakily, Clint's arms immediately going around her.

"Don't be so hard on yourself Nat. You can always adopt children," he murmured into her ear.

Natasha pulled away harshly, "How will I raise them Clint?" she exclaimed, "I don't have a single bone in my body that would make me a suitable mother. I'm an assassin. A monster. I've done so many heinous acts, how possibly can I raise a child?"

"Nat, you have a good heart. I know you do. You just got to give yourself a chance," Clint said with a sad smile, "I should head back. I just wanted to let you know that breakfast was ready."

She let out a breath, "I'll be there in a moment."

Steve dug into his pancakes as he deliberated in the night's events, a red flush appearing across his cheeks which seemed visible to his close friend Bucky, who returned last night from a small mission.

"Oh. Me thinks Steve is thinking about a lady," his childhood friend teased while waving his fork around and chewing on his scrambled eggs, "Who is it this time?"

Steve gave a nervous chuckle, "I rather not say, there are certain things I cannot discuss in a public place," he spoke, his eyes falling on Tony, who was nursing his hangover on a cup of coffee and Thor who was munching away at several boxes of Poptarts.

Bucky laughed, "Perhaps later then," he spoke, returning to his breakfast, his metallic fingers tucking a slice of bacon into his mouth.

She didn't have to announce her arrival for him to know she had arrived. He could feel her, the feminine scent filling his nostrils and locks of copper hair glinting from the corner of his eyes.

Close to her was her best friend Clint, who grabbed one of Thor's poptarts despite the blonde's protests.

"So how is Nathaniel?" Bucky said, his dark gaze on the archer.

Steve raised a brow, Since when does Bucky know about Clint's family? Did Clint invite him over?

Clint laughed, his eyes gleaming with fatherly pride, "He took his first steps last week," the archer said excitedly as he began to pour on and on about his father adorable family. Steve's eyes slid towards Natasha who was pouring herself a cup of coffee and grabbing a few biscuits.

Just for a moment he felt a sense of nostalgia. A moment where he wanted a simple home with her, just the two of them together eating breakfast in the morning.

"You're seeing stars Steve," Natasha's voice broke into his thoughts, sending a blush coating his cheeks and a nervous chuckle coming forth from his lips.

The spy seemed so calm and composed, unaffected by last night's events, sending a rather painful clench in Steve's heart.

I suppose it was just a one night stand, he thought, but something inside him couldn't let go of the possibility of something forming between them.

"So any missions planned for today?" he asked the Russian.

The woman chewed on her biscuit as she stayed quiet for a moment before speaking in a quiet tone, "None for you. Fury's sending me on a solo mission for a few weeks. I'm leaving by midday."

A rather dejected feeling filled his chest, the sure possibility of not seeing her around the Avenger's tower made the building suddenly feel rather desolate.

"You know," Bucky said, whispering rather low, "I heard that being a gentleman is a rare thing these days and it's something women are looking out for in a guy. Call me old fashioned but perhaps a bouquet of roses may convince her to give you a chance."

An idea formed in his mind as he watched the Russian walk away to prepare for her mission, "No. She deserves much more than flowers."

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