26. Kisses and troubles

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We all sat on the bed quiet. Tazia and Tanya's glare was intense on me. After a while I sighed and spoke.

"Alright, ask what you want to ask?"

Tazia let out a squeal and came closer. "Did you tell him?"


"And, what did he say? Did he say it back?"

"We kind of said it in the same time and then I repeated it. And then he confirmed it too."

"So he loves you...Ahhh, like that wasn't obvious enough." Tazia breathed out.

He loves me...hearing those words replay back in my head sure did brought a pleasant feeling.

"So are you going to sneak out or what?" Taz asked.

Tanya gasped. "Do you think they're going to do it, they just confessed to each other."

"Oh please, passion doesn't know time." Tazia was stubborn.

"What do you think we'll do if I sneak out?" I asked worried.

Tanya came closer . "You know..have sex."

"What?" I jumped backwards almost falling off the bed.

"Don't scare her like that, it took me years to get her to get a boyfriend." Tazia hugged me. "Making love..Tanya meant making love."

"You are just twisting my words." Tanya crossed her arms.

"You two are idiots." I pushed Taz away taking a deep breath. Calm down.

"But you know, you do have to have a start before that. He will let you know if he plans on doing it." Tazia started explaining. "For example you two will have a heated scene and then he will stop or something as if to prepare you for when he really strikes. It's all in here." Tazia pulled out her diary. "I have all info on guys in here."

"So if Jackie hasn't have a heated scene before she won't do it even if they sneak out?" Tanya asked.

"Basically yeah. I mean Ethan is a mystery to me. His brain functions weirdly, but he is still a guy so he will most likely just try to you know..initiate. He'll probably grab your boobs or something."

My heart jumped. Not only Tazia was shamelessly talking about it , I started panicking.

"What do you mean by heated situation?" I asked Taz.

"Well you know..intense make out session, touching here and there.."

Oh no, the scene in his school replayed in my head.

"But since that hasn't happened you have nothing to worry about, no pressure." Tazia tapped my shoulder and then took a better look.

"That hasn't happen right?"

"Of course not." I waved a hand before my face to cool down my cheeks. "You are so shameless Taz."

"Can I have a look at that?" Tanya took Taz's diary and started reading.

"Ohhh, are you perhaps interested in how to seduce Logan? You can find all tactics on page 45."

Tazia was really teasing Tanya now. While those two bickered I pulled out my phone.

"From: idiot-pervert

So, how about a randevy after my grandma stops guarding our door.?"

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