21. Breaking boundaries

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Ethan's p.o.v

I picked up my phone and gave a call to Plushy. It's been three days since she got sick but she was already in school healthy as ever.

"Morning." I said sweetly as she answered. "How is my Plushy doing today?"

"I'm preparing for my next class."

"You sound so serious about everything. Relax, it's almost summer."

"Summer is still far away from my point of view. I have million things to take care of and..."

"Are you free tonight?"

"Yes, I am."

"Would you like to meet my parents tonight?"

There was a short pause. "I do."

"Then come around seven. They want to meet you."



"Nothing, I'll see you tonight. Bye."


I wonder what she wanted to tell me. Never the less if it was important she would tell me. She always does.

"You are so mushy it makes me sick. If I knew that you getting a girlfriend would turn you into a romantic person I would never have encouraged you before."

Landon was playing with his phone while we were waiting for Landon.

"You have no freedom of speech, last time I checked you didn't have a girlfriend."

He stopped to look at me. "Thank god if this is what awaits me."

"I see what you mean. It really is horrible to date."

"Pshh, of course it is. Just hanging around Jackie got you using sarcasm. You changed completely."

"I agree. But for the better...and who are you chatting with all this time.."

I leaned towards him and his phone and he immediately hid it. But I already saw who he was talking to.


"Yeah, I'm just teaching that annoying italian cannoli the differences between my IQ and hers." He said giving a smug smile.

"I'm not sure your insults are still insults and seconds of all if she is so annoying why you are talking to her?"

"I'm bored."

"I see."

"I see my ass. Why are you giving me those looks?"

"If she's just a waste of time why did you hide your phone from me right now and didn't show me who you were talking to."


"I got rejected." Logan came back saving Landon from humiliation.

"Well you should have expected that." I tapped his back.

Landon apologized to the girl he and his brother tricked at the festival but Logan still wanted to talk to her. So he begged and pleaded until she met with him and of course she rejected him.

"I apologized and explained everything. I even told her I liked her a lot. But she said that even though she understands my situation and why I acted like that she lost interest in me."

Logan sat down on the bench sulking.

"At least you tried." Landon tried to console him. I'm saying tried, because Logan seemed ever more down.

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