22. New territory

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Jackie's p.o.v

Next day at school I couldn't wait classes to be over. I needed to talk to Tazia and she looked down all day so I needed to come up with something.

"Jackie, guess what?" Dom came behind me and handed me a piece of paper. Wait no..it was an envelope. I opened it and inside there were pictures of Dom and Tom during the festival.

"He asked me to be his boyfriend through this envelope and there was a letter but I took that out."

I smiled and then gave him back the envelope. "Well congratulations, did you tell Tazia?"

"I wanted too but then I heard what happened and I changed my mind to wait few more days so keep this a secret."

"Okay but wait, what happened?"

"I see she still hasn't told you so I will refrain to say anything." He got up and left.

"Wait, tell me!" But no answer.

After the last class I found Tazia.

"Study date, your house." I told her and she grabbed her bag and my hand and we hurried to her house.

Once we were in her room I told her about the meeting with his parents and how I just spat everything out in Ethan's parent's faces.

"Good for you, to be honest I would never do that but that's probably not your style. You are more of a type who likes to deal with things openly."

"So that's what has been bothering me and the other thing...well..."

"Hm? What other thing?"

I circled with my head.

"Did you tell him you loved him?" She gasped.

"No...well yes...but no."

"How can you tell him and not tell him?" She was very confused and I know it's my fault.

"So things happened and I asked him to show me his room so I can investigate."

Taz crossed her hands like she knew where this was going.

"And then he somehow pushed me on the bed and.."

I stopped. I can't say it. I can't!!!!

"Did he force you or something because I will kill him."

"No.no.no." I stopped her. "I mean he acted like that, saying something like do you know how easy guys can take advantage of you and it was more like he was trying to give me a lesson or something. I was sure he wanted me to push him off but I was thinking in that moment.." I stopped and tried to calm down my heart. Just thinking about it made me anxious. "I thought I should tell him that I have no regrets with him and I wanted to tell him I'm not scared because I ..well you know...the L word. And then he just told me to get out of his room while he took a shower. We haven't talked since then, I left the house leaving him a cake so he doesn't think I ran away. But I am confused; did I do the right thing?"

Tazia was having this look on her face that I've never seen before. She was just so serious.

"I think it was stupid to go to his room. You told him to take you to his room and then acted like that, saying he wouldn't do anything even though you told him you wouldn't mind if he does, but you didn't expect him to act on it. Idiotic move. Unless you wanted him to do something which is a completely other story."

I opened my mouth to argue but she stopped me. "No, you didn't tell him you love him even though you tried to point it out like that. But I still recommend putting it into a verbal form. Say the words to him so he can understand."

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