25. Fireflies and pettals

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Ethan's p.o.v

Spring break came really fast and as much as I couldn't wait to go I couldn't help but feel nervous. It was weird, and good. I was panicking but i was glad.

I had a feeling these next few days were going to be interesting.

Jackie's p.o.v

We got on the bus and this time no one argued or stole me away from Ethan. Maybe it got more to do with the fact each had different problem to worry about.

Dom and his boyfriend were sleeping, Taz and the girl Landon invited were talking. When I heard the girl agreed I was surprised, but then again I didn't knew her.

The girl, Tanya was sweet but serious. Kind of down to earth. I kind of understood why Logan liked her. She was sweet enough to agree with Logan but on another hand she was grounded and serious which could keep Logan steady.

I suddenly started rubbing my forehead. I was actually thinking about relationships and other people. I might honestly reconsider accepting the fact I was no longer the same me.

I had different opinions and other things that interested me, but maybe somehow i was narrow minded before. But... I believe that, there are lots of good stuff being the present me.

"Hey, you okay?" Ethan nudged me, seeing I massaged my forehead.

Yap, he was definitely one of those good stuff.

I leaned my head on his shoulder. He instantly intertwined our fingers.

"Im good. Im just worried Tazia will corrupt that girl."

"Dont be so hard on Tazia."

"She's probably encouraging her to act on impulses."

"I think she mostly badmouths Landon."

I suppressed an unexpected giggle.

"By the way, have you noticed something strange lately, between Landon and Tazia. Their physical contact has decreased and even the room becomes tense with those two." Ethan asked.

"Why do you think that is?"

"Because they like each other."

Damn. I forgot how observant and good he was as a detective.

"Maybe we should just ignore them and focus on our own relationship."

"Our relationship is great." Ethan added.

"I agree. I am honestly excited about doing this. I missed having you around in the house and seeing you first thing in the morning and night."

Ethan smiled. "I get what you mean, but i don't think you fully get the meaning of seeing someone first thing in the morning and last thing at night."

I stared blankly.

"Never mind." He put an arm around my shoulder and kissed me while no one was looking.

"I want to share a room with you." He whispered to me.

"But it's girls separately from boys." I added.

"Maybe we can sneak out to other rooms. Remember our coincidental meetings in the middle of the night in your house?"


"They weren't coincidental."

I smiled. I kind of already knew that.

"Well, i guess we can. Or how will i kiss you in front of your grandma and the others." I teased him.

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